Looking for these cards. Have put buying price next to most. Adding some extra in for shipping costs is usually not an issue. Have a lot more to add to the list in time. Feel free to offer others. Not big on graded items or higher end. Deals in plain white envelope ok with me. Might can offer stuff in trade too.
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 ~~~ PAYING $3
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 Press Proof (#/100) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 Saphire green (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $8
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 Ruby red (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $15
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Press Proof (#/100) ~~~ PAYING $5
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #79 Press Proof #/100 ~~~ PAYING $5
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Saphire green Die cut (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #79 Saphire green Die cut (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #96 Saphire green Die cut (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Ruby red Die cut (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $12
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #79 Ruby red Die cut (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $12
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #96 Ruby red Die cut (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $12
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Cracked Ice ~~~ PAYING $3
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #96 Cracked Ice ~~~ PAYING $3
2012-13 Innovation Stained Glass Purple Insert #12 ~~~ PAYING $15
2012-13 Panini Crusade #177 Green
2012-13 Panini Crusade #177 Purple
2012-13 Panini Crusade #177 Red
2012-13 Select Hot Stars Insert #12 Prizm parallel (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $20
2012-13 Select White Hot Insert #12 Prizm parallel (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $20
2013-14 Court Kings Portraits red Insert ~~~ PAYING $20
2013-14 Elite Face 2 Face Gold Insert #7 ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Elite Passing the Torch w/Wade Gold Insert #10 ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #23 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #24 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #25 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #26 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #27 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #28 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #29 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #21 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #24 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #25 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #26 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #27 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #29 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #30 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm parallel ~~~ PAYING $4
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm blue parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm green parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm red parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm Orange parallel (#/60) ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm purple parallel (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $15
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm parallel ~~~ PAYING $4
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm blue parallel ~~~ PAYING $6
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm green parallel ~~~ PAYING $6
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm red parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm light blue parallel (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $6
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm Orange parallel (#/60) ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm purple parallel (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $15
2013-14 Pinnacle Clear Vision 2nd Quarter Insert #48 (#/36) ~~~ PAYING $8
2013-14 Pinnacle Clear Vision 3rd Quarter Insert #48 (#/24) ~~~ PAYING $15
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team blue Artist’s Proof #20 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team red Artist’s Proof #20 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team green Artist’s Proof #20 (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $8
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team Die Cut #20 (/99) ~~~ PAYING $4
2013-14 Select Skills blue Prizm Insert #6 (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $12
2013-14 Select Skills blue Prizm Insert #6 (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $12
2014-15 Court Kings Portraits Insert #45 ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Court Kings Portraits Insert Sapphire (#/25) #45 ~~~ PAYING $10
2014-15 Court Kings Aficionado Insert #10 Sapphire (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $8
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $2
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs silver (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $6
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs stat line (#/203) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs star line (#/85) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $2
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs silver (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs stat line (#/67) ~~~ PAYING $6
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs stat line (#/85) ~~~ PAYING $6
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert Scoring #7 Press Proofs blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $2
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs silver (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs stat line (#/467) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs stat line (#/240) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Scoring Kings Insert #39 Press Proofs blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Scoring Kings Insert #39 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Scoring Kings Insert #39 Press Proofs stat line (#/54) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert blue #115 (#/149) ~~~ PAYING $5
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert camouflage #115 ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert Orange Die cuts #115 (#/60) ~~~ PAYING $10
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert purple #115 (#/75) ~~~ PAYING $8
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert teal #115 (#/35) ~~~ PAYING $12
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Juggernauts Insert #1 blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Juggernauts Insert #1 orange (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Juggernauts Insert #1 silver (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knight Court Insert #10 blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knight Court Insert #10 orange (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knight Court Insert #10 silver (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knights Templar Insert #7 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Pinnacle Museum Collection #133 ~~~ PAYING $3
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 ~~~ PAYING $3
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 Press Proof (#/100) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 Saphire green (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $8
2010-11 Donruss Magicians Insert #6 Ruby red (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $15
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Press Proof (#/100) ~~~ PAYING $5
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #79 Press Proof #/100 ~~~ PAYING $5
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Saphire green Die cut (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #79 Saphire green Die cut (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #96 Saphire green Die cut (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $7
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Ruby red Die cut (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $12
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #79 Ruby red Die cut (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $12
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #96 Ruby red Die cut (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $12
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #54 Cracked Ice ~~~ PAYING $3
2010-11 Donruss Production Line #96 Cracked Ice ~~~ PAYING $3
2012-13 Innovation Stained Glass Purple Insert #12 ~~~ PAYING $15
2012-13 Panini Crusade #177 Green
2012-13 Panini Crusade #177 Purple
2012-13 Panini Crusade #177 Red
2012-13 Select Hot Stars Insert #12 Prizm parallel (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $20
2012-13 Select White Hot Insert #12 Prizm parallel (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $20
2013-14 Court Kings Portraits red Insert ~~~ PAYING $20
2013-14 Elite Face 2 Face Gold Insert #7 ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Elite Passing the Torch w/Wade Gold Insert #10 ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #23 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #24 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #25 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #26 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #27 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #28 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Insert #29 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #21 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #24 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #25 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #26 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #27 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #29 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Panini Intrigue Intriguing Players Die Cut Insert #30 ~~~ PAYING $3
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm parallel ~~~ PAYING $4
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm blue parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm green parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm red parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm Orange parallel (#/60) ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Prizm Dominance Insert #13 Prizm purple parallel (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $15
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm parallel ~~~ PAYING $4
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm blue parallel ~~~ PAYING $6
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm green parallel ~~~ PAYING $6
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm red parallel ~~~ PAYING $5
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm light blue parallel (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $6
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm Orange parallel (#/60) ~~~ PAYING $10
2013-14 Prizm Guard Duty Insert #9 Prizm purple parallel (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $15
2013-14 Pinnacle Clear Vision 2nd Quarter Insert #48 (#/36) ~~~ PAYING $8
2013-14 Pinnacle Clear Vision 3rd Quarter Insert #48 (#/24) ~~~ PAYING $15
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team blue Artist’s Proof #20 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team red Artist’s Proof #20 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team green Artist’s Proof #20 (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $8
2013-14 Pinnacle Z Team Die Cut #20 (/99) ~~~ PAYING $4
2013-14 Select Skills blue Prizm Insert #6 (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $12
2013-14 Select Skills blue Prizm Insert #6 (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $12
2014-15 Court Kings Portraits Insert #45 ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Court Kings Portraits Insert Sapphire (#/25) #45 ~~~ PAYING $10
2014-15 Court Kings Aficionado Insert #10 Sapphire (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $8
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $2
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs silver (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $6
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs stat line (#/203) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Court Kings Insert #38 Press Proofs star line (#/85) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $2
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs silver (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs stat line (#/67) ~~~ PAYING $6
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert assists #6 Press Proofs stat line (#/85) ~~~ PAYING $6
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert Scoring #7 Press Proofs blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $2
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs silver (#/25) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs stat line (#/467) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Production Line Insert scoring #7 Press Proofs stat line (#/240) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Scoring Kings Insert #39 Press Proofs blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Donruss Scoring Kings Insert #39 Press Proofs purple (#/199) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Donruss Scoring Kings Insert #39 Press Proofs stat line (#/54) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert blue #115 (#/149) ~~~ PAYING $5
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert camouflage #115 ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert Orange Die cuts #115 (#/60) ~~~ PAYING $10
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert purple #115 (#/75) ~~~ PAYING $8
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Crusade Insert teal #115 (#/35) ~~~ PAYING $12
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Juggernauts Insert #1 blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Juggernauts Insert #1 orange (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Juggernauts Insert #1 silver (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knight Court Insert #10 blue (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knight Court Insert #10 orange (#/99) ~~~ PAYING $3
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knight Court Insert #10 silver (#/49) ~~~ PAYING $4
2014-15 Panini Excalibur Knights Templar Insert #7 ~~~ PAYING $2
2013-14 Pinnacle Museum Collection #133 ~~~ PAYING $3