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Trade Up to a nice Patriots Card...

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  • Trade Up to a nice Patriots Card...

    I have this card to start...

    What I am trying to do.

    I want to trade this up a little bit each time, and eventually, I want to get one Patriots card for my collection. This might take 1 trade, and it might take 10 trades or more. So, if you have something that you would trade for this, one card, that is hopefully a little better than this card, I will do it. I want to upgrade a little at a time and get something nice in the long run for my PC.

    Let's get this started! Anyone have anything they might want to trade for this?

    Collecting any Boston Sports (base,insert,GU,Auto) All Teams (Red Sox,Celtics,Patriots,Bruins)
    Also collect UNH Football/Hockey cards
    Also now collecting any cards including all dupes of all the following :
    MLB : Brian Wilson (Giants, Dodgers), Chris Carpenter (Blue Jays, Cardinals), Sam Fuld (Rays), Mike Flanagan (Orioles, Blue Jays), Phil Plantier (Padres, Red Sox), Jeff Locke (Pirates)
    NFL : Kendall Reyes (Chargers), Greg Landry (Lions), David Ball (Bears), Jerry Azumah (Bears), Dwayne Sabb (Patriots), Dan Kreider (Steelers), Ricky Santos (no pro cards)
    NBA : Matt Bonner (Spurs)
    NHL : Steve Leach, James VanRiemsDyk, Jason Krog, Eric Boguniecki, Andy Brickley, Ty Conklin, Kevin Dean, Rod Langway, Bryan Muir, Daniel Winnik
    I unfortunately can no longer afford to trade outside the US. Even rates to Canada are way too high now!