As football collectors everywhere continue confiscating their respective cardboard targets in 2011 Panini America football products such as*Prestige,*Donruss Elite and*Score, know this: Some of tomorrow’s most collected*Rookie Cards are taking shape as we speak back on the Panini America Routing Table.
I just returned to my desk with the photographic evidence to prove it.
Perched gloriously on that table at this very minute are the first stages of RCs from heavy-hitters such as 2011 Absolute Memorabilia, 2011 Limited, 2011 Crown Royale*and . . . drum roll, please . . .*2011 Gold Standard, a new entry on the football card release calendar that will no doubt ride the wave of momentum that*begins in basketball in the coming weeks.
Before you feast your eyes on the goods, please keep in mind that all of these design routings are in the extremely early stages of development and could very well change between now and release time. But there’s still not a better place on the planet for first-look purposes.
After you’ve perused the gallery, by all means get back to chasing your desired gems from Prestige, Donruss Elite and Score.