Elite status auto black 1/1
jordan akins
elite status auto gold numbered to 5
brandon drury
cole green
elite status auto green numbered to 25
michael fulmer
brian flynn
elite status auto blue numbered to 50
chris schwinden
taylor featherston
elite aspirations auto numbered to 100
francisco lindor
travis harrison
casey lawrence
jace peterson
franchise future auto numbered to 10
mike walker green ink
franchise future auto numbered to 25
john hicks red ink
franchise future autos assorted seiral numbers
bryan brickhouse
brandon drury
phillip evans
eddie rosario redemption
joe o'gara
tony zych
will lamb
zack macphee x2
dwight smith jr.
Shane ortiz
chris wallace
zach good
michael goodnight
adam davis x2
jeff ames
hudson boyd
brandon parrent
ryan tatusko
grayson garvin
dean green
mike walker
chris schwinden
regular autos assorted seiral numbers
archie bradley
levi michael
leonys martin
javier baez
gerrit cole
kyle kubitza
jason king
all cards are available please ask
jordan akins
elite status auto gold numbered to 5
brandon drury
cole green
elite status auto green numbered to 25
michael fulmer
brian flynn
elite status auto blue numbered to 50
chris schwinden
taylor featherston
elite aspirations auto numbered to 100
francisco lindor
travis harrison
casey lawrence
jace peterson
franchise future auto numbered to 10
mike walker green ink
franchise future auto numbered to 25
john hicks red ink
franchise future autos assorted seiral numbers
bryan brickhouse
brandon drury
phillip evans
eddie rosario redemption
joe o'gara
tony zych
will lamb
zack macphee x2
dwight smith jr.
Shane ortiz
chris wallace
zach good
michael goodnight
adam davis x2
jeff ames
hudson boyd
brandon parrent
ryan tatusko
grayson garvin
dean green
mike walker
chris schwinden
regular autos assorted seiral numbers
archie bradley
levi michael
leonys martin
javier baez
gerrit cole
kyle kubitza
jason king
all cards are available please ask