Need these 2014 Mets:
2014 TOPPS Series 1
Sparkle SP- 33 266
GOLD(x/2014)- 304
Target Red- 60 266
WalMart Blue- 86
Purple Toys-R-Us- 60 86 113 155 174 187 248 266 304
Yellow- 60 86 113 155 174 187 248
Green- 33 86 113 155 187 248
Upper Class- Relic- UCR-MH
Future Is Now- RELIC(x/99)- FNR-ZW1 2 3
Spring Fever Auto- SFAWF Flores
All Rookie Cup Team- RELIC- TARC-1
All Star Rookie Cup Relic(x/99)- RCAS-10 11
Have these 2014's FT:
Base- 1+++++ 2+ 3 4+ 5++ 6+ 8+++ 10++ 11++++ 12+ 13+++++ 14+ 15++ 16++ 17++ 18++ 19+ 20+ 21+++ 22+++++ 23++ 24+++ 25+++ 28+ 29+++++ 31++ 32++ 33++++ 34 35+ 36+++hamilton rc, 37++ 38 40 41+++ 44++ 46++ 47+ 48++++ 49+ 51++ 52+ 53+ 54 55+ 56++ 57+ 58+++++ 59+ 60 61+ 62++++ 63+ 64+++ 65+ 66+ 67+++ 68 69++++ 70+ 71 72+ 73++ 74 75++ 76 77+ 78 79+++ 80+ 81+++ 82++ 83+ 84++ 85+ 86+++ 87+ 88+++ 89+ 90 91+ 93+++ 94++ 95 96+++ 97++++ 98+++ 99+++ 100++ 101 102 103+++ 104 105 106 107++ 108 109+ 110+ 111+ 112++++ 113 114++++ 115++ 116++ 117+++ 118+ 119 121 122 123++ 125++ 126++ 127 128+++ 129++ 130++ 131 132+ 133+ 134++ 135++ 136+ 137+++++ 138+ 139 140+ 141+ 142+ 143 144 145+ 146++ 147+++ 148++ 149+++ 150+ 151++ 152++++ 154++ 155 156++ 157+++ 158+ 160+++ 161+++ 162+ 163+ 164+ 165 166++ 167+++++ 168++ 169 170 171 172 173++ 174+ 177+ 178+ 179 180++ 182 183+++ 184++++ 185+ 186++ 187 188+ 189++ 191+ 194+++ 195++ 196+++ 197+++ 198+++ 199++ 200+ 201 202+ 203+++ 204++ 205+ 206+ 207+ 208+ 209++ 211++ 212+++ 213+++ 214+++ 217+ 218+ 219+++ 220++++ 222+ 223++ 224+ 225 226 227+ 228+ 229 230+++++ 231++ 232+ 233+++ 234+++ 235++ 236++ 237+++ 238+ 239+ 240+++ 241++ 242+ 243+ 244+ 246 247++++ 248++ 250++ 251 252++ 254 255++++++ 256++ 257 258+ 259 260 261 262+ 263+ 264++++ 265+ 266 267+++ 268+++ 269 270++++ 271+ 272+++ 273+ 276+ 277+ 278 279+ 280++ 281+++ 282+ 283 284+ 285+ 286+++ 287++ 288++ 289 290+ 291+++ 292+ 293 295+++ 296 297+ 298+++ 299+ 300+ 301+++ 302+++ 303 304 305++ 306+ 307+ 308+++ 309++ 310+++ 311 312 313+++ 314++ 315+++ 316+++ 318+ 319++++ 320+++ 322 323++ 324+ 327+++ 328+ 329 330+ 331++
SP- 212heyward, 330longoria
Gold(x/2014)- 2 31 77 110myers, 194 241 262 264 328 331puig
POWER PLAYERS- PP-11 18 23 28 34 37 65 104 106
Red Hot- 2 12 19 35 47 51 59 79 83schoop rc, 131 143 151 164 169 195castellanos rc, 200jeter, 218 228 235 238 243 285 322 328 330
Green- 197 311
Black(x/63)- 321 MRivera
Yellow- 13 22+ 74 103 123 164 183 202 212 276 285 301 328
WalMart Blue- 9 15 21 23 27 28 32 44 45 55 56 65 67 70 71 72 74 76 78 82 83schoop, 84 85 88 93 111 121 123 124 126 132 133+bogaerts rc, 136 138 145 160 163 165 175 184 186+ 190gausman, 195castellanos rc, 212 215segura, 219 227 234 236 239 242 243 245 254 256 265 267 278 279 281 295 296 298 301 305 309 322
Target Red- 64 72 84 117 152 161 227 230 268
SUPER VETERANS- SV-1pujols, 3jeter, 9 15rivera
50 YEARS OF THE DRAFT- 50YD-1mauer, 3 5 6
UPPER CLASS- UC-1harper, 4 6 9clemente, 12 14 17 21 25 28 36 37 39+ 42 43 46+ 50+
1989 MINI DIE CUT- TM- 2+ 3 6 8ruth, 10 14 16
ALL ROOKIE CUP TEAM- RCT-5+jeter, 6rice, 8 9
THE FUTURE IS NOW- FN-1miller, 2miller, 3miller, 4 5 8++ 12 14 15+ 17myers, 20trout, 23+machado, 25puig, 26puig, 29+harper, 30harper
BUYBACKS Topps 75th- 1976 #208 Lum, 1978 #609 SMartinez,
GAME USED- TR-AS SIMMONS(gray jersey), TR-AS SIMMONS(white jersey), DPR DPrice, JVO Votto
AUTO- TA-TW Tijuan Walker (gotta come strong for this one)
LMK if we can work something out. Other tradebait in my sig link. Thanks, Mike
2014 TOPPS Series 1
Sparkle SP- 33 266
GOLD(x/2014)- 304
Target Red- 60 266
WalMart Blue- 86
Purple Toys-R-Us- 60 86 113 155 174 187 248 266 304
Yellow- 60 86 113 155 174 187 248
Green- 33 86 113 155 187 248
Upper Class- Relic- UCR-MH
Future Is Now- RELIC(x/99)- FNR-ZW1 2 3
Spring Fever Auto- SFAWF Flores
All Rookie Cup Team- RELIC- TARC-1
All Star Rookie Cup Relic(x/99)- RCAS-10 11
Have these 2014's FT:
Base- 1+++++ 2+ 3 4+ 5++ 6+ 8+++ 10++ 11++++ 12+ 13+++++ 14+ 15++ 16++ 17++ 18++ 19+ 20+ 21+++ 22+++++ 23++ 24+++ 25+++ 28+ 29+++++ 31++ 32++ 33++++ 34 35+ 36+++hamilton rc, 37++ 38 40 41+++ 44++ 46++ 47+ 48++++ 49+ 51++ 52+ 53+ 54 55+ 56++ 57+ 58+++++ 59+ 60 61+ 62++++ 63+ 64+++ 65+ 66+ 67+++ 68 69++++ 70+ 71 72+ 73++ 74 75++ 76 77+ 78 79+++ 80+ 81+++ 82++ 83+ 84++ 85+ 86+++ 87+ 88+++ 89+ 90 91+ 93+++ 94++ 95 96+++ 97++++ 98+++ 99+++ 100++ 101 102 103+++ 104 105 106 107++ 108 109+ 110+ 111+ 112++++ 113 114++++ 115++ 116++ 117+++ 118+ 119 121 122 123++ 125++ 126++ 127 128+++ 129++ 130++ 131 132+ 133+ 134++ 135++ 136+ 137+++++ 138+ 139 140+ 141+ 142+ 143 144 145+ 146++ 147+++ 148++ 149+++ 150+ 151++ 152++++ 154++ 155 156++ 157+++ 158+ 160+++ 161+++ 162+ 163+ 164+ 165 166++ 167+++++ 168++ 169 170 171 172 173++ 174+ 177+ 178+ 179 180++ 182 183+++ 184++++ 185+ 186++ 187 188+ 189++ 191+ 194+++ 195++ 196+++ 197+++ 198+++ 199++ 200+ 201 202+ 203+++ 204++ 205+ 206+ 207+ 208+ 209++ 211++ 212+++ 213+++ 214+++ 217+ 218+ 219+++ 220++++ 222+ 223++ 224+ 225 226 227+ 228+ 229 230+++++ 231++ 232+ 233+++ 234+++ 235++ 236++ 237+++ 238+ 239+ 240+++ 241++ 242+ 243+ 244+ 246 247++++ 248++ 250++ 251 252++ 254 255++++++ 256++ 257 258+ 259 260 261 262+ 263+ 264++++ 265+ 266 267+++ 268+++ 269 270++++ 271+ 272+++ 273+ 276+ 277+ 278 279+ 280++ 281+++ 282+ 283 284+ 285+ 286+++ 287++ 288++ 289 290+ 291+++ 292+ 293 295+++ 296 297+ 298+++ 299+ 300+ 301+++ 302+++ 303 304 305++ 306+ 307+ 308+++ 309++ 310+++ 311 312 313+++ 314++ 315+++ 316+++ 318+ 319++++ 320+++ 322 323++ 324+ 327+++ 328+ 329 330+ 331++
SP- 212heyward, 330longoria
Gold(x/2014)- 2 31 77 110myers, 194 241 262 264 328 331puig
POWER PLAYERS- PP-11 18 23 28 34 37 65 104 106
Red Hot- 2 12 19 35 47 51 59 79 83schoop rc, 131 143 151 164 169 195castellanos rc, 200jeter, 218 228 235 238 243 285 322 328 330
Green- 197 311
Black(x/63)- 321 MRivera
Yellow- 13 22+ 74 103 123 164 183 202 212 276 285 301 328
WalMart Blue- 9 15 21 23 27 28 32 44 45 55 56 65 67 70 71 72 74 76 78 82 83schoop, 84 85 88 93 111 121 123 124 126 132 133+bogaerts rc, 136 138 145 160 163 165 175 184 186+ 190gausman, 195castellanos rc, 212 215segura, 219 227 234 236 239 242 243 245 254 256 265 267 278 279 281 295 296 298 301 305 309 322
Target Red- 64 72 84 117 152 161 227 230 268
SUPER VETERANS- SV-1pujols, 3jeter, 9 15rivera
50 YEARS OF THE DRAFT- 50YD-1mauer, 3 5 6
UPPER CLASS- UC-1harper, 4 6 9clemente, 12 14 17 21 25 28 36 37 39+ 42 43 46+ 50+
1989 MINI DIE CUT- TM- 2+ 3 6 8ruth, 10 14 16
ALL ROOKIE CUP TEAM- RCT-5+jeter, 6rice, 8 9
THE FUTURE IS NOW- FN-1miller, 2miller, 3miller, 4 5 8++ 12 14 15+ 17myers, 20trout, 23+machado, 25puig, 26puig, 29+harper, 30harper
BUYBACKS Topps 75th- 1976 #208 Lum, 1978 #609 SMartinez,
GAME USED- TR-AS SIMMONS(gray jersey), TR-AS SIMMONS(white jersey), DPR DPrice, JVO Votto
AUTO- TA-TW Tijuan Walker (gotta come strong for this one)
LMK if we can work something out. Other tradebait in my sig link. Thanks, Mike