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My 'NON-BASEBALL" for your baseball

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  • My 'NON-BASEBALL" for your baseball

    ALL of the cards listed below are "NON-BASEBALL". I'll trade them for your baseball cards. I'm mainly looking for gu and/or auto's, and 'vintage", cards of ORIOLES,NATIONALS, HOFer's, stars, and semi-stars. However, almost every baseball card will be considered. With that said, here now are the 'NON-BASEBALL" cards I have available ---------------------------

    1995 The Curtis Publishing Co. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST/ J. C. Leyendecker card set 1 thru 50

    1992 NICKELODEON Capri Sun Ren & Stempy decal

    1994 SABAN Mighty Morphin POWER RANGERS card

    1998-99 SEARS, ROEBUCH & CO. CRAFTSMAN Bob Vila WILD CARD - 4 different 10% OFF cards and 2 same 20% OFF cards

    1995 The Curtis Publishing Co. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Norman Rockwell 2: card set 1 thru 90

    1995 HERSHEY FOODS CO. #P1 Bittersweets & #P2 A Kiss for You


    1991 WCW, Inc.#150 DOOM

    1992 COCA-COLA Watch and Win Game Piece Medals&Million Watch&Win Number HI224 & BB994

    1990 J R MAXX RACE CARDS Holly Farms NASCAR cards #HF: 30,19, 9,6, & 5

    1994 PRO SET INC. Power Racing Pro set #PP30 Mike Wallace

    1991 IMPEL MARKETING INC. U' S' Olympics Hall of Fame cards #'s 1 thru 50 (complete set)

    REMEMBER PERAL HARBOR card #'s - 3 thru 10, 12 thru 16, 19 thru 26, 29 thru 33, 45, 47 thru 50

    2005 UD The Wingfield Collection FDR Diamond Images #DI-14

    2010 TOPPS HERIAGE News Flash Backs #NT1 Peace Corps
    2010 TOPPS HERITAGE Baseball Flash Backs #BF10 Angels/Senators

    A & G ---
    2020 64 topps trade list Kelsey Cook
    2016 #'s - 248, 247, 244, 240, 203, 158
    2016 MASCOTS... MIW-5
    2015 WHAT ONCE... #WOULD-9
    2014 WORLD'S CATITALS #'s WC-14 & WC-19
    2014 COINCIDENCE #AGC-03
    2014 AIR SUPREMACY #'s AS - 5, 12, 13, & 15
    2014 NATURAL WONDER #'s NW-07 & NW-11
    2013 PALACES &... #PS-TA

    MINI cards ---
    2016 TOPPS A&G Subways.... SS-3
    2015 TOPPS A&G #'s BP-8 and MBT-7
    2013 TOPPS A&G #'s 140 (black border) and PM-NM
    2011 TOPPS A&G #WMF4
    2010 OBAK TRI-STAR Other Sports Marketplace WALT WHITMAN
    2010 TOPPS A&G #'s - WB5, WB1, LO12, SSS4, SSS5, SSS7, SSS8, SSS10, WB3, WB2, 78, 130 (black border), 110 (black border)

    2009 TOPPS HERITAGE ---
    CARD #'s - Checklist 1 of 3, 3, 5 thru 7, 10, 12 thru 14, 16 thru 22, 26 thru 28, 32, 34, 38, 40 , 41, 43, 45, 47 thru 50, 53 thru 55, 57, 61 thru 67, 71, 75, 77, 82, 84, 90 thru 95, 98 thru 101, thru 107, 109 thru 111, 113, 114, 116 thru 118, 120 thru 122, 124, AP28 (HAVE DUPLICATES OF #'S 48, 32, 30,and 3)
    CHROME (history) - #'s C - 98, 76, 75, 72, 66, 58, 49, 20, and 13 (NOTE; ALL are #ed /1776)

    2009 UD 20TH ANNIV. #1514 43RD U. S. PRESIDENT

    Now that you've checked this, let's work out a trade and/or deal. THANKS for checking this thread, Rodney
    Last edited by OriolesFan; 09-21-2022, 03:19 PM. Reason: updated availables

    The main items Im looking to trade for are
    Baseball HOFers Autos I need
    Orioles Autos I need
    Baseball HOFers GU I need
    Orioles GU I need
    Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
    However other offers will be considered

  • #2
    Back ttt. Doesn't anyone here collect/want "NON-BASEBALL", and have baseball they want to trade ? If so, let's work out a trade and/or deal. THANKS for checking this thread. Have a good day, Rodney

    The main items Im looking to trade for are
    Baseball HOFers Autos I need
    Orioles Autos I need
    Baseball HOFers GU I need
    Orioles GU I need
    Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
    However other offers will be considered


    • #3
      ttt one more time. Let's work out a DEAL and/or TRADE. Who's ready to do it ? THANKS for checking this thread, Rodney

      The main items Im looking to trade for are
      Baseball HOFers Autos I need
      Orioles Autos I need
      Baseball HOFers GU I need
      Orioles GU I need
      Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
      However other offers will be considered


      • #4
        Back ttt. Get NON-BASEBALL cards that you want and trade baseball cards that you don't mind getting rid of. So, who wants to work out a trade ? Also, if you want to BUY, make a reasonable offer. THANKS for checking this thread, Rodney

        The main items Im looking to trade for are
        Baseball HOFers Autos I need
        Orioles Autos I need
        Baseball HOFers GU I need
        Orioles GU I need
        Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
        However other offers will be considered


        • #5
          I've just removed those that have been traded. So, what is NOW on POST Home are what is STILL available. Let's work out a deal and/or trade. Now, who's ready to do that ? THANKS for checking this thread, Rodney

          The main items Im looking to trade for are
          Baseball HOFers Autos I need
          Orioles Autos I need
          Baseball HOFers GU I need
          Orioles GU I need
          Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
          However other offers will be considered


          • #6
            Back ttt one more time. ANYONE interested in moving baseball cards for my "NON-BASEBALL" cards ??????????

            The main items Im looking to trade for are
            Baseball HOFers Autos I need
            Orioles Autos I need
            Baseball HOFers GU I need
            Orioles GU I need
            Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
            However other offers will be considered


            • #7
              Back ttt one more time. CHECK out POST #1 Afterwards, let's work out a deal and/or trade !!! So, who's ready to do that ?????? THANKS for checking this thread, Rodney
              Last edited by OriolesFan; 01-07-2023, 10:36 AM.

              The main items Im looking to trade for are
              Baseball HOFers Autos I need
              Orioles Autos I need
              Baseball HOFers GU I need
              Orioles GU I need
              Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
              However other offers will be considered


              • #8
                After a good break, it is now time to bring this back ttt. Anyone interested in any ?????????? THANKS for checking this thread, Rodney

                The main items Im looking to trade for are
                Baseball HOFers Autos I need
                Orioles Autos I need
                Baseball HOFers GU I need
                Orioles GU I need
                Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
                However other offers will be considered


                • #9
                  ttt again. Get rid of baseball cards you don't want to keep, and get NON-BASEBALL cards in place of them !!! So, who wants to do that ???????

                  THANKS for checking this thread, Rodney

                  The main items Im looking to trade for are
                  Baseball HOFers Autos I need
                  Orioles Autos I need
                  Baseball HOFers GU I need
                  Orioles GU I need
                  Vintage Orioles I need 1950s through 1970
                  However other offers will be considered

