Michelle - THANKS for your reply. PLMK what you'd trade of these for auto's (twelve) I have on POST Private Messages ------------
1)your four 'vintage" on POST #11
2)these gu and auto's on POST #11 --- David Ortiz GU, Cabrera GU, Marone AUTO, Made AUTO, Palmer AUTO, Spikes AUTO, Ziegler AUTO
3)any/all of the ORIOLE "lot" on POST #1 (I already have so many I'm not sure what I have and don't have)
PLMK if you have any trade offer(s). THANKS. Have a good afternoon, Rodney
1)your four 'vintage" on POST #11
2)these gu and auto's on POST #11 --- David Ortiz GU, Cabrera GU, Marone AUTO, Made AUTO, Palmer AUTO, Spikes AUTO, Ziegler AUTO
3)any/all of the ORIOLE "lot" on POST #1 (I already have so many I'm not sure what I have and don't have)
PLMK if you have any trade offer(s). THANKS. Have a good afternoon, Rodney