Over the past two weeks busted a bunch of random things at local shops. Here's what I have. All are FS/FT. If buying, add $2 to help cover S&H.
-2014 Supreme-
Matt Carpenter Supreme Styling Auto /35 $15
Josmil Pinto Supreme Styling Auto 10/25 $5
Hisashi Iwakuma Supreme Styling Auto 1/15 $20
Jesus Aguilar RC Auto 20/35 $3
Mike Napoli Simply supreme Red 3/10 $15
Brandon Crawford Patch Auto 2/25 $60
Ryan Braun Supreme Scope Silhouette JSY Auto 34/40 $30
-2013 Supreme-
Alex Wood Supreme Stylings RC Auto 10/35 $10
Sonny Gray Supreme Stylings RC Auto 24/50 $10
Graig Nettles Supreme Stylings Auto 6/35 $8
Glen Perkins Auto 10/50 $5
Ivan Nova Auto 1/15 $10
Junior Lake Auto 1/35 $8
Chris Archer Auto 13/20 $8
Dan Gladden Auto 31/35 $10
Michael Wacha Supreme Stylings Auto 22/35 $20
Koji Uehara Supreme Stylings Auto 14/20 $25
Matt Adams Supreme Stylings Auto 1/10 $20
Gary Sheffield Auto 15/35 $15
Chris Sale Patch Auto EXCH $30
Goose Gossage Printing Plate Auto Cyan 1/1 $40
Scans in my bucket
-2014 Supreme-
Matt Carpenter Supreme Styling Auto /35 $15
Josmil Pinto Supreme Styling Auto 10/25 $5
Hisashi Iwakuma Supreme Styling Auto 1/15 $20
Jesus Aguilar RC Auto 20/35 $3
Mike Napoli Simply supreme Red 3/10 $15
Brandon Crawford Patch Auto 2/25 $60
Ryan Braun Supreme Scope Silhouette JSY Auto 34/40 $30
-2013 Supreme-
Alex Wood Supreme Stylings RC Auto 10/35 $10
Sonny Gray Supreme Stylings RC Auto 24/50 $10
Graig Nettles Supreme Stylings Auto 6/35 $8
Glen Perkins Auto 10/50 $5
Ivan Nova Auto 1/15 $10
Junior Lake Auto 1/35 $8
Chris Archer Auto 13/20 $8
Dan Gladden Auto 31/35 $10
Michael Wacha Supreme Stylings Auto 22/35 $20
Koji Uehara Supreme Stylings Auto 14/20 $25
Matt Adams Supreme Stylings Auto 1/10 $20
Gary Sheffield Auto 15/35 $15
Chris Sale Patch Auto EXCH $30
Goose Gossage Printing Plate Auto Cyan 1/1 $40
Scans in my bucket