Looking to trade for these Optic base singles:
6, 14, 18, 21, 22, 36, 64, 74, 79, 90, 91, 93, 106(x2), 107, 123, 132, 136, 147, 148 (x3), 151(x3), 152(x3), 153, 155(x2), 157(x2), 160(x3), 173, 178, 179(x3)
Some stuff to deal on my end can be seen here :
Plus much more stuff along those lines in stock
Anyone care to help?
6, 14, 18, 21, 22, 36, 64, 74, 79, 90, 91, 93, 106(x2), 107, 123, 132, 136, 147, 148 (x3), 151(x3), 152(x3), 153, 155(x2), 157(x2), 160(x3), 173, 178, 179(x3)
Some stuff to deal on my end can be seen here :
Plus much more stuff along those lines in stock
Anyone care to help?