Large Excel spreadsheet list available of starter and complete sets available for trade. Baseball, Football, Basketball and Hockey but some other stuff too. Constantly updating it. All different stuff, from regional to mass produced to inserts.....all over the place. Am trading for starter/complete sets I do not have yet (I also have a list of what I already have available as well). As long as the trade is fair for both of us, it works for me. Usually don't trade pre 1980 stuff for newer, but heck, make an offer. Great way to rid of yourself of several hundred doubles all at once and pick up something different. Contact me direct at BHK5150@AOL.COM and mentioned you saw me here. I will send you my most current list of stuff available. Also trading to fill my current sets as well as Pete Rose anything and 45 RPM and LP vinyl. Let's trade!!!
God Bless - Billy
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God Bless - Billy
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