and much more for trade. Check out my updated bucket and let me know what you are interested in. - Thank You!
I am looking for auto's or patches of the following guys, but am not limited to this list. - (will also look at HOF Baseball auto's)
Barry Sanders
Walter Payton
Earl Campbell
Jerome Bettis
Emmitt Smith
Jim Brown
Adrian Peterson
Marshall Faulk
Eric Dickerson
Marion Motley
Larry Csonka
Tony Dorsett
Gayle Sayers
Bo Jackson
Christian Okoye
OJ Simpson
Marcus Allen (Raiders)
Franco Harris
Terrell Davis
Fran Tarkenton
Philip Rivers
Aaron Rogers
Joe Namath
Joe Theisman
Kurt Warner
Ken Stabler
Phil Simms
Jim Kelly
Bob Griese
YA Tittle
Troy Aikman
Drew Brees
Ken Anderson
Terry Bradshaw
Warren Moon
Len Dawson
Sonny Jurgenson
Bart Starr
Sid Luckman
Sammy Baugh
Dan Fouts
Brett Favre
Steve Young
Dan Marino
Otto Graham
Roger Staubach
John Elway
Peyton Manning
Tom Brady
Johnny Unitas
Jerry Rice
Randy Moss
I am looking for auto's or patches of the following guys, but am not limited to this list. - (will also look at HOF Baseball auto's)
Barry Sanders
Walter Payton
Earl Campbell
Jerome Bettis
Emmitt Smith
Jim Brown
Adrian Peterson
Marshall Faulk
Eric Dickerson
Marion Motley
Larry Csonka
Tony Dorsett
Gayle Sayers
Bo Jackson
Christian Okoye
OJ Simpson
Marcus Allen (Raiders)
Franco Harris
Terrell Davis
Fran Tarkenton
Philip Rivers
Aaron Rogers
Joe Namath
Joe Theisman
Kurt Warner
Ken Stabler
Phil Simms
Jim Kelly
Bob Griese
YA Tittle
Troy Aikman
Drew Brees
Ken Anderson
Terry Bradshaw
Warren Moon
Len Dawson
Sonny Jurgenson
Bart Starr
Sid Luckman
Sammy Baugh
Dan Fouts
Brett Favre
Steve Young
Dan Marino
Otto Graham
Roger Staubach
John Elway
Peyton Manning
Tom Brady
Johnny Unitas
Jerry Rice
Randy Moss