Looking for extra money to use on a down payment on the land the wife and I are wanting. Looking to sell these below for $1700. Also included will be over 2000 rcs and inserts. I can get you a partial list. I will not take less than the $1700 as thats over $400 less than if you were to sell them individually and free shipping. Definately a lot you can make money on.
Baseball over $320 in SV
Football over $1040 in SV
Hockey over $20 in SV
Dalton PC over $170 in SV
Mallett PC $100 in SV
Shipley PC over $300 in SV
Baseball over $320 in SV
Football over $1040 in SV
Hockey over $20 in SV
Dalton PC over $170 in SV
Mallett PC $100 in SV
Shipley PC over $300 in SV