Here is what I have of Prime and Legends FS/FT. Not going to be getting any more Legends again. Prime is way better.
Legends Blue:
Roddy White x2, T. Gonzalez, E. Reed x2, Dent x2, L. McCoy x2, Lloyd x2, Calvin Johnson x2, Colston x2, S.Moss x2, Schuab x2, Rivers x2, Lott x2, Suh x2, Drew x2, Charles x2, Tomlinson, Marshall, Bradford x2, Sanchez, Forte, P. Manning
#'d Legends:
Dan Marino /299, Mendenhall /299, Revis /150, S. Moss /75, T. Gonzalez /75
Legendary Combos:
Ingram/Dareus x2, Gates/Thomas x2, Brady/Mallett, Young/Pettis x3, Green/Jones
Aspiring Legacies:
Newton, Green x2, Locker x3, Ingram, Gabbert x2, Brown
Gridiron Legacies:
T. Gonzalez x2, Brady, Welker, Chris Johnson, Fitzgerald, Tomlinson, Cooley, Vick, Brees, Stabler, Ryan, Allen, Monk
Prime Green:
Ward, Rice, McFadden, Colston, Mendenhall, Willis, Rodgers, Moreno, Brady, Jennings, A. Johnson, Rivers, Peterson, Freeman, Bowe, Flacco, Hillis, Collie, Fitzgerald, Graham, Allen
Prime Dual Combo:
L. McCoy/Baldwin, Kaepernick/Hunter x2, Rudolph/Ponder, Ingram/Dareus x2, Vereen/Ridley, Mallett/Vereen, Jones/Dareus
Prime Triple Combo:
Carter/Jones/Harper, Hunter/Carter/Jones, Green/Jones/Baldwin, Newton/Miller/Dareus x3
Prime Quad Combo:
Brady/Welker/Mallett/Vereen, LeShoure/Williams/Vereen/Todman x2, Gabbert/Locker/Dalton/Mallett, Ponder/Kaepernick/Dalton/Mallett
Prime Rookies:
LeShoure, Carter, Rudolph, Young, Dareus, Vereen, Jernigan, Alex Green, Ridley, Julio Jones, Ingram, Locker, Gabbert
Prime Veterans:
S. Moss, Calvin Johnson, Nicks, L. McCoy, Rivers, M. Bush, Peterson, Lewis, L. McCoy Gold /50
Prime Rookies:
Kerley /399, Fairley /399, Pettis /399, Housler /499, Fairley /499, Moore /499, Stocker /499, Amukamara /599, T. Jones /599, Stocker /599, Salas /599, Alex Green /599, Vereen /599, Lewis /699, R. Williams /699, Scott /930, Harper /930, Ridley /930, Thomas /930, Housler /930, V. Green /930, Lewis /930,
Dareus /499, Dareus /699, Gabbert /399, Gabbert /699 x2, Gabbert /930, Mallett /399, Julio JOnes /699, Julio Jones /399, Locker /930, Kaepernick /699, Kaepernick /930, Ingram /499, Newton /699
T. Smith Aspiring Legacies
Ridley Aspiring Legacies
V. Miller Aspiring Legacies
Hankerson Aspiring Legacies
Young Aspiring Legacies
Johnny Knox Stamp Relic
Ridley/Vereen Prime Combo Relic /398
Ridley/Vereen Prime Combo Relic 10/25
Ingram/Dareus Prime Combo Relic 12/50
AJ Green Prime Jumbo Relic /318
Peterson/Murray Prime Combo Relic 12/50 FS ONLY
Ponder/Dalton/Kaepernick Prime Triple Relic 17/25
Brady/Welker/Mallett/Vereen Prime Quad Relic 2/50
Legends Anthony Castonzo EXCH
Legends Rob Housler AU x2
Legends LUke Stocker AU
Legends Justin Houston AU /99
Legends Jeremy Kerly AU /50
Prime Greg Little RC AU /270
Prime Virgil Green RC AU /450
Prime Ryan Williams Quad Relic AU 180/515
Prime Jon Baldwin Quad Relic AU 10/515
Prime Von Miller Quad Relic AU 419/515 FS ONLY
Julio Jones Red Zone Red Ink AU 47/100 HTG
Julio Jones RC AU 1/1 FS ONLY
Scans of most of the hits are in my bucket.
Legends Blue:
Roddy White x2, T. Gonzalez, E. Reed x2, Dent x2, L. McCoy x2, Lloyd x2, Calvin Johnson x2, Colston x2, S.Moss x2, Schuab x2, Rivers x2, Lott x2, Suh x2, Drew x2, Charles x2, Tomlinson, Marshall, Bradford x2, Sanchez, Forte, P. Manning
#'d Legends:
Dan Marino /299, Mendenhall /299, Revis /150, S. Moss /75, T. Gonzalez /75
Legendary Combos:
Ingram/Dareus x2, Gates/Thomas x2, Brady/Mallett, Young/Pettis x3, Green/Jones
Aspiring Legacies:
Newton, Green x2, Locker x3, Ingram, Gabbert x2, Brown
Gridiron Legacies:
T. Gonzalez x2, Brady, Welker, Chris Johnson, Fitzgerald, Tomlinson, Cooley, Vick, Brees, Stabler, Ryan, Allen, Monk
Prime Green:
Ward, Rice, McFadden, Colston, Mendenhall, Willis, Rodgers, Moreno, Brady, Jennings, A. Johnson, Rivers, Peterson, Freeman, Bowe, Flacco, Hillis, Collie, Fitzgerald, Graham, Allen
Prime Dual Combo:
L. McCoy/Baldwin, Kaepernick/Hunter x2, Rudolph/Ponder, Ingram/Dareus x2, Vereen/Ridley, Mallett/Vereen, Jones/Dareus
Prime Triple Combo:
Carter/Jones/Harper, Hunter/Carter/Jones, Green/Jones/Baldwin, Newton/Miller/Dareus x3
Prime Quad Combo:
Brady/Welker/Mallett/Vereen, LeShoure/Williams/Vereen/Todman x2, Gabbert/Locker/Dalton/Mallett, Ponder/Kaepernick/Dalton/Mallett
Prime Rookies:
LeShoure, Carter, Rudolph, Young, Dareus, Vereen, Jernigan, Alex Green, Ridley, Julio Jones, Ingram, Locker, Gabbert
Prime Veterans:
S. Moss, Calvin Johnson, Nicks, L. McCoy, Rivers, M. Bush, Peterson, Lewis, L. McCoy Gold /50
Prime Rookies:
Kerley /399, Fairley /399, Pettis /399, Housler /499, Fairley /499, Moore /499, Stocker /499, Amukamara /599, T. Jones /599, Stocker /599, Salas /599, Alex Green /599, Vereen /599, Lewis /699, R. Williams /699, Scott /930, Harper /930, Ridley /930, Thomas /930, Housler /930, V. Green /930, Lewis /930,
Dareus /499, Dareus /699, Gabbert /399, Gabbert /699 x2, Gabbert /930, Mallett /399, Julio JOnes /699, Julio Jones /399, Locker /930, Kaepernick /699, Kaepernick /930, Ingram /499, Newton /699
T. Smith Aspiring Legacies
Ridley Aspiring Legacies
V. Miller Aspiring Legacies
Hankerson Aspiring Legacies
Young Aspiring Legacies
Johnny Knox Stamp Relic
Ridley/Vereen Prime Combo Relic /398
Ridley/Vereen Prime Combo Relic 10/25
Ingram/Dareus Prime Combo Relic 12/50
AJ Green Prime Jumbo Relic /318
Peterson/Murray Prime Combo Relic 12/50 FS ONLY
Ponder/Dalton/Kaepernick Prime Triple Relic 17/25
Brady/Welker/Mallett/Vereen Prime Quad Relic 2/50
Legends Anthony Castonzo EXCH
Legends Rob Housler AU x2
Legends LUke Stocker AU
Legends Justin Houston AU /99
Legends Jeremy Kerly AU /50
Prime Greg Little RC AU /270
Prime Virgil Green RC AU /450
Prime Ryan Williams Quad Relic AU 180/515
Prime Jon Baldwin Quad Relic AU 10/515
Prime Von Miller Quad Relic AU 419/515 FS ONLY
Julio Jones Red Zone Red Ink AU 47/100 HTG
Julio Jones RC AU 1/1 FS ONLY
Scans of most of the hits are in my bucket.