Looking for Optic & Prizm colors for Zeke, Dak & Andy Dalton. Interested in the non auto versions unless you want to trade.
Andy Dalton Optic-I have the green /5, base, holo, orange, carolina blue, & a black /25 & blue /149 on the way. need all the others.
Andy Dalton Prizm-I have 1/1 Finite, Gold /10 & base prizm, plus purple scope on the way. need all others.
Dak Optic-have base, purple & bronze. need all others.
Dak Prizm-have 2 base prizms-need all others(not pushing so hard on these right now. would prefer to finish optic first) Open to trading the extra dak if anyone is interested.
Zeke Optic-have refractor, purple, red & yellow & Aqua. need the rest
Zeke Prizm-have refractor & red, white & blue disco. Like Dak, looking to finish Optic first.
I do have lots of optic & prizm to trade if you're looking for anyone in particular. It was too much to scan in but can give you a list based on team.
Andy Dalton Optic-I have the green /5, base, holo, orange, carolina blue, & a black /25 & blue /149 on the way. need all the others.
Andy Dalton Prizm-I have 1/1 Finite, Gold /10 & base prizm, plus purple scope on the way. need all others.
Dak Optic-have base, purple & bronze. need all others.
Dak Prizm-have 2 base prizms-need all others(not pushing so hard on these right now. would prefer to finish optic first) Open to trading the extra dak if anyone is interested.
Zeke Optic-have refractor, purple, red & yellow & Aqua. need the rest
Zeke Prizm-have refractor & red, white & blue disco. Like Dak, looking to finish Optic first.
I do have lots of optic & prizm to trade if you're looking for anyone in particular. It was too much to scan in but can give you a list based on team.