Banned members
12detroit12 key2win 11-23-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Agreeing to trades but never sending]
2up2downVA thebighurt035 04-17-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Must fix his outstanding trade disputes on another site to be reconsidered]
accfan01 thebighurt035 10-27-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Banned on other trade sites for bad trades.]
baseballboy16 key2win 08-02-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You are banned at BO for not sending and "No trades/sales "at SCForum sorry]
baseballfan thebighurt035 11-04-2013 Permanent Never Forever
[Jaysfan107's 2nd id banned for a bad trade with jackson0114 ,FIX YOUR TRADE SCAMMER!!!]
bell26 thebighurt035 04-24-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Nice try cjenks76]
Blue&GoldRobbo thebighurt035 12-25-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Come back and fix trade #1440 and we can talk.]
BlZRD WZRd 23 thebighurt035 02-06-2014 Permanent Never Forever [You have 4 negative feedbacks at SCForum,we do not need traders like that here.]
Breesfan ac-n-mike 02-15-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Leaving retaliatory negative fb with insults,not acceptable.]
Canucksfan key2win 08-09-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Many negative feedbacks from cloutsnchara]
CardCollector71 thebighurt035 08-03-2012 Permanent Never Forever [You have been banned at SCForum HK and TCC,we do not need traders like you here.]
cardden2010 key2win 02-07-2010 Permanent Never Forever [signing up under multiple IDs]
ccolts1969 thebighurt035 02-28-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Banned member from TR,SCForum for bad trades that never were fixed]
chart7898 thebighurt035 09-08-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your trade with DANGELS and stop swearing on the open forums and you may get back in]
Chip300 thebighurt035 11-20-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Not with your ebay feedback.]
cjenks76 thebighurt035 05-24-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at BO and banned here under the id whiskerbizcut007,bell26]
CLE_Cards thebighurt035 04-24-2015 Permanent Never Forever [CleCards banned at BO]
cmortensen14 thebighurt035 05-16-2014 Permanent Never Forever [You were recently banned at BO for trading /selling fake auto's and scamming for free cards...bye-bye]
collectibles thebighurt035 06-30-2015 Permanent Never Forever [You were warned by me about spamming and yet you do it again so adios]
contenderstix84 thebighurt035 12-27-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Nice try eliteco3 but you are not getting on here.]
crazycard23 key2win 02-07-2010 Permanent Never Forever [signed up with multiple userIDs]
CRich87 fuser 12-19-2015 Permanent Never Forever [didnt follow site rules and honor a sale]
Daqda thebighurt035 01-20-2012 Permanent Never Forever [After many complaints about your shipping/protecting the cards you have been banne
drlucky4ever thebighurt035 11-02-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your bad trades at SCForum before trying to join here.]
eaglesfan21 Mister_Ed 12-05-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Created duplicate IDs to cheat at contests]
eliteco3 thebighurt035 12-09-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You were just banned at BO and you are not getting on here...]
Elvis Presley Mister_Ed 04-04-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Lift Ban] [scamming members]
filthy49ers thebighurt035 02-03-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Lift Ban] [Looks like you have had trouble sending your end on beckett,sorry fix that and we will reconsider.]
flyers1 Mister_Ed 12-05-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Created duplicate IDs to cheat at contests]
footballnut1991 thebighurt035 11-17-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at The Bench under the id tcoleman85 for incomplete trades.]
ft28jags thebighurt035 01-31-2016 Permanent Never Forever [Refuses to abide by site rules.]
fykeadelic thebighurt035 04-10-2010 Permanent Never Forever [scamming members]
ganzaman thebighurt035 01-22-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your trades # 1681 & 1693]
GarkoCollector Bondsaway 01-03-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Cannot risk bad traders..]
ghobs85 thebighurt035 06-01-2011 Permanent Never Forever [3 bad trades at SCForum and 2 bad trades at TCC]
IBuyHankAaron thebighurt035 08-29-2013 Permanent Never Forever [After researching you have been banned on some sites for fake or questionable jersey's,Sorry not coming on here]
indyreds thebighurt035 02-17-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Spamming by pm is not allowed, goodbye............]
irishpride79 key2win 03-31-2010 Permanent Never Forever [bad trader from tcc and other sites]
jamiles2579 ranbethscards 04-12-2011 Permanent Never Forever [NOT sending his end, verbal abuse to Mods]
Jaysfan107 thebighurt035 04-27-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Banned for scamming jackson0114 and not responding to staff .]
jfar1981 thebighurt035 01-16-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Way too much trouble on too many sites,BO,Collectors Society ,Ebay..No way you are getting in here]
KHughes2015 thebighurt035 02-15-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Bad trading practices at SCForum, we do not need traders like you on here either bye....]
King Kaep thebighurt035 09-29-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You continue accepting trades and never send,we do not need traders like you on here]
Legends thebighurt035 03-05-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Nice try Elvis, but not good enough, no second ID]
lou04 thebighurt035 02-08-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at SCForum for bad trades and trying to scam here,not allowed]
Macken key2win 04-09-2011 Permanent Never Forever [spamming his website]
mizzouboy thebighurt035 04-09-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You were banned already under this id "sportscards850" for spamming and now you try creating another id,another violation of site rules]
Mrjobe85 thebighurt035 09-17-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Did not send his end of trade agreement # 2595,email me to make it right
MSU thebighurt035 11-22-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Banned member Cynner007 at Blowout cards]
mweber012 gladdyontherise 02-23-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Spamming group breaks.]
mzentko fuser 05-05-2015 Permanent Never Forever [spaming another site with first post]
NWOWOLFPACK thebighurt035 05-12-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at BO under multiple ids for starting crap,we do not need you here.]
Packnation17 ranbethscards 02-01-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Did not send his end of trade/ripped off 3 CCW Members,also goes by the id,Husky be a man and fix your trades]
PatchSnatcher thebighurt035 06-27-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Did not send out his end plus you are banned at SCForum also.]
Psercy thebighurt035 11-07-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Spamming his site after he was warned about box breaks and having the rules sent to him]
qbcollectorlions thebighurt035 01-12-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at SCForum with 2 negative feedbacks, sorry not getting in here]
quasimodoaveq key2win 02-07-2010 Permanent Never Forever [having multiple userIDs]
Rancher11 thebighurt035 10-06-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Too many negatives for high money at B.O fix those and
rocksaysits420 key2win 12-10-2016 Permanent Never Forever [For being a lying cheating and dishonest
rythaman fuser 09-02-2015 Permanent Never Forever [non payment of group break]
Shane Adams thebighurt035 02-12-2017 Permanent Never Forever [Waited to send out cards from an agreed trade until he received first and prolonged it even longer by refusing to send to his trade partner. Refused to send cards to staff so had another member volunteer to be the middle man]
sportscards850 B.I.G.Poppa 09-16-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Repeated spamming, same behavior as on Blowout.]
sportsfan thebighurt035 10-17-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Go sell your fake CGC Comic somewhere else]
Ssoni1 thebighurt035 10-17-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You are banned at SCF under 2 different ids and had trade problems at TCC under basketballsuv]
Terribletudor thebighurt035 07-21-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You are banned at BO for not sending and "No trades/sales "at SCForum sorry]
TheICYCards thebighurt035 08-21-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your trades at]
TimTebow15 key2win 05-26-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Lift Ban] [scamming members]
tommurry thebighurt035 01-02-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Sorry but with your past on every other tradesite we can not let you in]
trade all the way key2win 04-20-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Nice Try Lou04]
Unashamed116 thebighurt035 04-21-2015 Permanent Never Forever [GatorBoyInTN banned at BO and HiddenEvil at SCForum]
vanman1981 thebighurt035 03-31-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Was asked not to post Razzes or Break slots unless he was an affiliate but decided to post them again]
whiskerbizcut007 thebighurt035 02-24-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Bad trading habits]
12detroit12 key2win 11-23-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Agreeing to trades but never sending]
2up2downVA thebighurt035 04-17-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Must fix his outstanding trade disputes on another site to be reconsidered]
accfan01 thebighurt035 10-27-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Banned on other trade sites for bad trades.]
baseballboy16 key2win 08-02-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You are banned at BO for not sending and "No trades/sales "at SCForum sorry]
baseballfan thebighurt035 11-04-2013 Permanent Never Forever
[Jaysfan107's 2nd id banned for a bad trade with jackson0114 ,FIX YOUR TRADE SCAMMER!!!]
bell26 thebighurt035 04-24-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Nice try cjenks76]
Blue&GoldRobbo thebighurt035 12-25-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Come back and fix trade #1440 and we can talk.]
BlZRD WZRd 23 thebighurt035 02-06-2014 Permanent Never Forever [You have 4 negative feedbacks at SCForum,we do not need traders like that here.]
Breesfan ac-n-mike 02-15-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Leaving retaliatory negative fb with insults,not acceptable.]
Canucksfan key2win 08-09-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Many negative feedbacks from cloutsnchara]
CardCollector71 thebighurt035 08-03-2012 Permanent Never Forever [You have been banned at SCForum HK and TCC,we do not need traders like you here.]
cardden2010 key2win 02-07-2010 Permanent Never Forever [signing up under multiple IDs]
ccolts1969 thebighurt035 02-28-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Banned member from TR,SCForum for bad trades that never were fixed]
chart7898 thebighurt035 09-08-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your trade with DANGELS and stop swearing on the open forums and you may get back in]
Chip300 thebighurt035 11-20-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Not with your ebay feedback.]
cjenks76 thebighurt035 05-24-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at BO and banned here under the id whiskerbizcut007,bell26]
CLE_Cards thebighurt035 04-24-2015 Permanent Never Forever [CleCards banned at BO]
cmortensen14 thebighurt035 05-16-2014 Permanent Never Forever [You were recently banned at BO for trading /selling fake auto's and scamming for free cards...bye-bye]
collectibles thebighurt035 06-30-2015 Permanent Never Forever [You were warned by me about spamming and yet you do it again so adios]
contenderstix84 thebighurt035 12-27-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Nice try eliteco3 but you are not getting on here.]
crazycard23 key2win 02-07-2010 Permanent Never Forever [signed up with multiple userIDs]
CRich87 fuser 12-19-2015 Permanent Never Forever [didnt follow site rules and honor a sale]
Daqda thebighurt035 01-20-2012 Permanent Never Forever [After many complaints about your shipping/protecting the cards you have been banne
drlucky4ever thebighurt035 11-02-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your bad trades at SCForum before trying to join here.]
eaglesfan21 Mister_Ed 12-05-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Created duplicate IDs to cheat at contests]
eliteco3 thebighurt035 12-09-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You were just banned at BO and you are not getting on here...]
Elvis Presley Mister_Ed 04-04-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Lift Ban] [scamming members]
filthy49ers thebighurt035 02-03-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Lift Ban] [Looks like you have had trouble sending your end on beckett,sorry fix that and we will reconsider.]
flyers1 Mister_Ed 12-05-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Created duplicate IDs to cheat at contests]
footballnut1991 thebighurt035 11-17-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at The Bench under the id tcoleman85 for incomplete trades.]
ft28jags thebighurt035 01-31-2016 Permanent Never Forever [Refuses to abide by site rules.]
fykeadelic thebighurt035 04-10-2010 Permanent Never Forever [scamming members]
ganzaman thebighurt035 01-22-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your trades # 1681 & 1693]
GarkoCollector Bondsaway 01-03-2010 Permanent Never Forever [Cannot risk bad traders..]
ghobs85 thebighurt035 06-01-2011 Permanent Never Forever [3 bad trades at SCForum and 2 bad trades at TCC]
IBuyHankAaron thebighurt035 08-29-2013 Permanent Never Forever [After researching you have been banned on some sites for fake or questionable jersey's,Sorry not coming on here]
indyreds thebighurt035 02-17-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Spamming by pm is not allowed, goodbye............]
irishpride79 key2win 03-31-2010 Permanent Never Forever [bad trader from tcc and other sites]
jamiles2579 ranbethscards 04-12-2011 Permanent Never Forever [NOT sending his end, verbal abuse to Mods]
Jaysfan107 thebighurt035 04-27-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Banned for scamming jackson0114 and not responding to staff .]
jfar1981 thebighurt035 01-16-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Way too much trouble on too many sites,BO,Collectors Society ,Ebay..No way you are getting in here]
KHughes2015 thebighurt035 02-15-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Bad trading practices at SCForum, we do not need traders like you on here either bye....]
King Kaep thebighurt035 09-29-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You continue accepting trades and never send,we do not need traders like you on here]
Legends thebighurt035 03-05-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Nice try Elvis, but not good enough, no second ID]
lou04 thebighurt035 02-08-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at SCForum for bad trades and trying to scam here,not allowed]
Macken key2win 04-09-2011 Permanent Never Forever [spamming his website]
mizzouboy thebighurt035 04-09-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You were banned already under this id "sportscards850" for spamming and now you try creating another id,another violation of site rules]
Mrjobe85 thebighurt035 09-17-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Did not send his end of trade agreement # 2595,email me to make it right
MSU thebighurt035 11-22-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Banned member Cynner007 at Blowout cards]
mweber012 gladdyontherise 02-23-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Spamming group breaks.]
mzentko fuser 05-05-2015 Permanent Never Forever [spaming another site with first post]
NWOWOLFPACK thebighurt035 05-12-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at BO under multiple ids for starting crap,we do not need you here.]
Packnation17 ranbethscards 02-01-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Did not send his end of trade/ripped off 3 CCW Members,also goes by the id,Husky be a man and fix your trades]
PatchSnatcher thebighurt035 06-27-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Did not send out his end plus you are banned at SCForum also.]
Psercy thebighurt035 11-07-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Spamming his site after he was warned about box breaks and having the rules sent to him]
qbcollectorlions thebighurt035 01-12-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Banned at SCForum with 2 negative feedbacks, sorry not getting in here]
quasimodoaveq key2win 02-07-2010 Permanent Never Forever [having multiple userIDs]
Rancher11 thebighurt035 10-06-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Too many negatives for high money at B.O fix those and
rocksaysits420 key2win 12-10-2016 Permanent Never Forever [For being a lying cheating and dishonest
rythaman fuser 09-02-2015 Permanent Never Forever [non payment of group break]
Shane Adams thebighurt035 02-12-2017 Permanent Never Forever [Waited to send out cards from an agreed trade until he received first and prolonged it even longer by refusing to send to his trade partner. Refused to send cards to staff so had another member volunteer to be the middle man]
sportscards850 B.I.G.Poppa 09-16-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Repeated spamming, same behavior as on Blowout.]
sportsfan thebighurt035 10-17-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Go sell your fake CGC Comic somewhere else]
Ssoni1 thebighurt035 10-17-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You are banned at SCF under 2 different ids and had trade problems at TCC under basketballsuv]
Terribletudor thebighurt035 07-21-2013 Permanent Never Forever [You are banned at BO for not sending and "No trades/sales "at SCForum sorry]
TheICYCards thebighurt035 08-21-2013 Permanent Never Forever [Fix your trades at]
TimTebow15 key2win 05-26-2012 Permanent Never Forever [Lift Ban] [scamming members]
tommurry thebighurt035 01-02-2011 Permanent Never Forever [Sorry but with your past on every other tradesite we can not let you in]
trade all the way key2win 04-20-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Nice Try Lou04]
Unashamed116 thebighurt035 04-21-2015 Permanent Never Forever [GatorBoyInTN banned at BO and HiddenEvil at SCForum]
vanman1981 thebighurt035 03-31-2015 Permanent Never Forever [Was asked not to post Razzes or Break slots unless he was an affiliate but decided to post them again]
whiskerbizcut007 thebighurt035 02-24-2014 Permanent Never Forever [Bad trading habits]