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  • Ttm!

    Go see Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. Now. Then read the books. Then go buy a Frank Black record. In fact, buy them all. And all the Pixies records, while you're there. It would be a lot easier if someone ran a movie theater/comic book/record store, but I doubt one exists, so you'll just have to make three stops. Four if you need to get gas. Bring you're own soda and snacks. It's expensive, nowadays.

    Last week I won a contest over at The Chronicles of Fuji. It was for some TTM autos. It didn't take long for them to get here.

    Very nice. I don't have a whole lot of autos in my collection, so I'm pretty stoked to have these. There was also an autographed postcard of Max Lanier in there, too.

    In generous card blogger fashion, there were some extras that were shipped along. All the cards are great, but whenever I can get my hands on a Wes Welker card that I don't have, it's a good day.

    Thanks for the prizes, Fuji.


  • #2
    Very nice TTMs, especially the Juan Gone one. Congrats!

