What do the following people have in common?
Ben Troupe
Leodis McKelvin
Calais Campbell
Jeff Woywitka
Brian Bellows
Ryan Gomes
Cuttino Mobley
If you guessed that they share the same birthday as me, then you're correct. All of these guys were born on September 1st and to celebrate my birthday, I added a new PC to my collection. It's called the Birthday PC.
I liked the idea of this PC, because it was fairly cheap... purchased all of the cards on COMC for just under $15. Yes, I know I overpaid on some these autos... but it'll be in my collection for many years to come, so it's worth it in my book.
Another reason, I decided to start this PC is because I figured it's kind of like a "living" set. It'll continue to grow, without me having to worry about it growing too fast. I figure every year or so, I'll add another player to this collection.
Speaking of collections... by now, if you know me... then you know that I'm addicted to collecting cards and I have a variety of PC's. So this shouldn't be too big of a surprise to my blogger buddies.
However, if you don't know me... and you're bored... feel free to check out a few of my other personal collections:
Sports Card Bust PC
Japanese Players PC
Damaged Card PC
As I mentioned towards the end of my contest... I want to continue having a "question of the day". Unfortunately... you won't get any points... but at least you'll have the opportunity to read cool comments from fellow collectors.
So... here's your question of the day... Do you have a personal collection that is special to you? It can be a unique PC, an expensive PC, a large PC, a non-sports PC, or something completely different. I realize all of your PC's are probably special to you... but is there one that stands out?
Oh... and thanks to everyone for their early birthday messages... I really appreciate it. Have a great day!
I just checked my mailbox... and look what just arrived...
Yep... he's the 8th addition to the Birthday PC. Too bad this card costs more than the 7 other cards combined. Sayanara!
Ben Troupe
Leodis McKelvin
Calais Campbell
Jeff Woywitka
Brian Bellows
Ryan Gomes
Cuttino Mobley
If you guessed that they share the same birthday as me, then you're correct. All of these guys were born on September 1st and to celebrate my birthday, I added a new PC to my collection. It's called the Birthday PC.
I liked the idea of this PC, because it was fairly cheap... purchased all of the cards on COMC for just under $15. Yes, I know I overpaid on some these autos... but it'll be in my collection for many years to come, so it's worth it in my book.
Another reason, I decided to start this PC is because I figured it's kind of like a "living" set. It'll continue to grow, without me having to worry about it growing too fast. I figure every year or so, I'll add another player to this collection.
Speaking of collections... by now, if you know me... then you know that I'm addicted to collecting cards and I have a variety of PC's. So this shouldn't be too big of a surprise to my blogger buddies.
However, if you don't know me... and you're bored... feel free to check out a few of my other personal collections:
Sports Card Bust PC
Japanese Players PC
Damaged Card PC
As I mentioned towards the end of my contest... I want to continue having a "question of the day". Unfortunately... you won't get any points... but at least you'll have the opportunity to read cool comments from fellow collectors.
So... here's your question of the day... Do you have a personal collection that is special to you? It can be a unique PC, an expensive PC, a large PC, a non-sports PC, or something completely different. I realize all of your PC's are probably special to you... but is there one that stands out?
Oh... and thanks to everyone for their early birthday messages... I really appreciate it. Have a great day!
I just checked my mailbox... and look what just arrived...
Tim Hardaway
Yep... he's the 8th addition to the Birthday PC. Too bad this card costs more than the 7 other cards combined. Sayanara!