Do card companies acknowledge faulty cards received in packs, and by chance, offer replacements, or compensation for a defective card received in a pack?.... i.e., this GEM I got a few years back with a gorgeous offset relic (don’t mind the two fingernail marks at the bottom.....I took this card out of its case for the 1st time yesterday for pictures and noticed the marks thanks to another "failed to mention that" auction on a Feebay.) But, you can easily see the relic in the middle is offset to the left and you can even see the card stock behind the jersey, thru the window...this greatly affects the value of my awesome $15 card and I am very torn up about it......
Here's the card: Matt Leinart 07 Donruss Gridiron Gear Playbook PB-8 #rd 06/25
the back:
Do any of you have any expierience getting a card replaced, or SOME kind of compensation due to a manufacturer defect?
Here's the card: Matt Leinart 07 Donruss Gridiron Gear Playbook PB-8 #rd 06/25
the back:
Do any of you have any expierience getting a card replaced, or SOME kind of compensation due to a manufacturer defect?