An oldie. Always been a Xena fan. Don't know if anyone is interested but it was only my second box.

A look at the box/packs

I made a complete base set of 72 from the box.

Here are the pulls:

Sheeri Rappaport as Otere Auto

Lucy Lawless as Xena Costume

Kevin Smith as Ares Costume (I already had this card variant so it's been traded here)

I also pulled a complete Footsteps of Warrior chase set which is really nice

Here's all the pulls:

The ratios were spot on

Auto's 1:40 = 1
Xena Scolls 1:40 = 1
Costume Pieces 1:20 = 2
Kevin Smith Tribute Cel Cards: 1:20 = 2
Amazon Warriors 1:10 = 4
Footsteps 1:4 = 10 (complete set of 9 plus 1 duplicate)

So yeah that's it. I like it.