What's up with this!!!!!
It seems that everyone and their great grandmothers are breaking boxes live on YouTube! I am normally ahead of the curve with new things, of course I have more time on my hands to see new things and explore new worlds. Wait. What? That's what William Shattner says at the beginning of the 1960's TV series Star Trek! I'm lost this morning! LOL!
I found that Cards Infinity was the best in box breaks. I've seen other breaks and they take soooo loooong aaaand theeeey gooo slooooow aaaand theeiiirrr sssppeeeech isssss soooo slllooooooow as if they had a concussion. Oh, wait? Now I'm making fun of myself! LOL!!!!
Chris5784, is quick and to the point. His jokes are lame, but he's not trying out for a spot at the comedy club. His is to break as many boxes as possible. My only issue with Chris5784 is that he handles the opening of packs very aggressively. At times it seems sacraligious! So today, I'll speak on this subject from two points. A sellers and a buyers.
I can understand going in on a break. It's definitely a rush, it's also a game of chance. It's not like gambling in Vegas, it is gambling in Vegas! You pay out an amount that's 20% to 35% of the cost of the hobby box to the house. The amount depends on how many boxes or if it's a high end product like National Treasures. Then you either pick a spot or you get randomized, once all the spots are paid for, the sellar will break the hobby box at the predetermined time and place. It's like the secret society of "Skulls and Bones"! You might get a hit! Or, you might get a potato player. Worst case scenario, you'll have gambled away your money. At that point you take on more breaks to even out your chances. It gets to the point where you'll need to enroll in gamblers anonymous! What upsets me is that on some breaks, you don't even get the base cards. An example is the 2012 Crown Royale Football break. I honestly love the base cards over the inserts like the NFL Regime. The base cards are to die for!
My older brother, whom is not really my brother, but has looked after me since coming to Ohio in 2001 is a wealthy entrepreneur. What's important to me is his big heart! When he found out about my hobby, he was amazed by how cards have become amazingly progressive compared to his old Bazooka cards. I also showed him a Chris5784 break. He said it was brilliant. You take the appropriate funds to cover your cost, including time. He emphasizes time is money. Then he'll break the boxes and send out cards to whom randomly was chosen for the hits. He keeps the base of which he can sell on eBay for any amount. It's just icing on the cake. My big brother mentioned that the best way to handle the base cards is to donate the cards to a children's hospital at which in the end of your fiscal year, you take this loss and utilize it to defer your taxes. This would be the best case scenario. What of the buyers that got nothing? Too bad! That's the profit you make from the break. It's a win win situation and he loves it. It's just not for him.
Personally, one day I'll try a break with Mrs. Toshi, Brett, my daughter, and myself. Just to see what can come of this. I am not a fan of breaks. Why? Here are my thoughts. I prefer keeping my base cards, in all purchases that I'll make, it will be based on how many autos and what type of hits are included in the particular hobby box. Most importantly, how attractive is the set including the base cards. I want to keep my base cards, and if I get a double on Tom Brady? Well, that gets shipped out to Schwood. Any other doubles now ends up in little individual team bags for members of this forum. I also don't want to walk away from a group break with nothing. Let's say I pay anywhere from $10.00 to $20.00. I would prefer going to my LCS and picking up a pack of Finest for $10.00 or Momentum for $20.00. At least I'll know that the momentum has a hit in every pack, it could be an auto, auto jersey, or a jersey. At least I'll walk away with something, and I have yet to be disappointed.
My older brother mentioned he would loan me the funds to purchase several cases from mid level to high end products to get me started. I politely declined. If I had to sit here and break boxes upon boxes of cards, I'll give myself an anxiety attack. I could not part with a big hit. Finally, breaking that many boxes for other people takes the fun out of the hobby for me. Again, this is just my humble opinion. Who knows? Consumers are finicky at best. We will go out and spend every penny on the newest thing. Then it slowly looses the interest of consumers as the market gets saturated. Then everyone waits for the next new thing. In ten years, everyone will look back and either have positive comments and or negative comments. I know this much, in ten to twenty years when I sit and share my cards with my grandchildren, I'll imagine there faces with sounds of ooooh awwwww! That's really cool grandpa! You have a RPA of Andrew Luck, RGIII, and Russell Wilson. Grandpa? Do you know that these players will be inducted in Canton at the HOF?
It seems that everyone and their great grandmothers are breaking boxes live on YouTube! I am normally ahead of the curve with new things, of course I have more time on my hands to see new things and explore new worlds. Wait. What? That's what William Shattner says at the beginning of the 1960's TV series Star Trek! I'm lost this morning! LOL!
I found that Cards Infinity was the best in box breaks. I've seen other breaks and they take soooo loooong aaaand theeeey gooo slooooow aaaand theeiiirrr sssppeeeech isssss soooo slllooooooow as if they had a concussion. Oh, wait? Now I'm making fun of myself! LOL!!!!
Chris5784, is quick and to the point. His jokes are lame, but he's not trying out for a spot at the comedy club. His is to break as many boxes as possible. My only issue with Chris5784 is that he handles the opening of packs very aggressively. At times it seems sacraligious! So today, I'll speak on this subject from two points. A sellers and a buyers.
I can understand going in on a break. It's definitely a rush, it's also a game of chance. It's not like gambling in Vegas, it is gambling in Vegas! You pay out an amount that's 20% to 35% of the cost of the hobby box to the house. The amount depends on how many boxes or if it's a high end product like National Treasures. Then you either pick a spot or you get randomized, once all the spots are paid for, the sellar will break the hobby box at the predetermined time and place. It's like the secret society of "Skulls and Bones"! You might get a hit! Or, you might get a potato player. Worst case scenario, you'll have gambled away your money. At that point you take on more breaks to even out your chances. It gets to the point where you'll need to enroll in gamblers anonymous! What upsets me is that on some breaks, you don't even get the base cards. An example is the 2012 Crown Royale Football break. I honestly love the base cards over the inserts like the NFL Regime. The base cards are to die for!
My older brother, whom is not really my brother, but has looked after me since coming to Ohio in 2001 is a wealthy entrepreneur. What's important to me is his big heart! When he found out about my hobby, he was amazed by how cards have become amazingly progressive compared to his old Bazooka cards. I also showed him a Chris5784 break. He said it was brilliant. You take the appropriate funds to cover your cost, including time. He emphasizes time is money. Then he'll break the boxes and send out cards to whom randomly was chosen for the hits. He keeps the base of which he can sell on eBay for any amount. It's just icing on the cake. My big brother mentioned that the best way to handle the base cards is to donate the cards to a children's hospital at which in the end of your fiscal year, you take this loss and utilize it to defer your taxes. This would be the best case scenario. What of the buyers that got nothing? Too bad! That's the profit you make from the break. It's a win win situation and he loves it. It's just not for him.
Personally, one day I'll try a break with Mrs. Toshi, Brett, my daughter, and myself. Just to see what can come of this. I am not a fan of breaks. Why? Here are my thoughts. I prefer keeping my base cards, in all purchases that I'll make, it will be based on how many autos and what type of hits are included in the particular hobby box. Most importantly, how attractive is the set including the base cards. I want to keep my base cards, and if I get a double on Tom Brady? Well, that gets shipped out to Schwood. Any other doubles now ends up in little individual team bags for members of this forum. I also don't want to walk away from a group break with nothing. Let's say I pay anywhere from $10.00 to $20.00. I would prefer going to my LCS and picking up a pack of Finest for $10.00 or Momentum for $20.00. At least I'll know that the momentum has a hit in every pack, it could be an auto, auto jersey, or a jersey. At least I'll walk away with something, and I have yet to be disappointed.
My older brother mentioned he would loan me the funds to purchase several cases from mid level to high end products to get me started. I politely declined. If I had to sit here and break boxes upon boxes of cards, I'll give myself an anxiety attack. I could not part with a big hit. Finally, breaking that many boxes for other people takes the fun out of the hobby for me. Again, this is just my humble opinion. Who knows? Consumers are finicky at best. We will go out and spend every penny on the newest thing. Then it slowly looses the interest of consumers as the market gets saturated. Then everyone waits for the next new thing. In ten years, everyone will look back and either have positive comments and or negative comments. I know this much, in ten to twenty years when I sit and share my cards with my grandchildren, I'll imagine there faces with sounds of ooooh awwwww! That's really cool grandpa! You have a RPA of Andrew Luck, RGIII, and Russell Wilson. Grandpa? Do you know that these players will be inducted in Canton at the HOF?