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Anyone Going Shopping On Black Friday

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  • Brads55
    I dropped off Amanda at work at 7am and ran to a few stores myself. It was definitely anarchy. Everything was like a zoo. Thankfully I had my shopping done by 9am and I was back home. Thousands of very old lady's driving 10mph on the roads. ARGHHHHH!

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  • OriolesFan
    We stayed out of the flow until time for dinner, then we went to get something to eat. No major flow of people at that time in Nags Head. In fact by 8 PM a lot of stores were already closed. We avoided the rush - amen.

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  • ranbethscards
    Wife and I waited until 5 pm to go looking for new cell phones. She picked up a LG Ally (so she can check emails and go online) and I went with the Verizon Salute (yeah, one of those phones I call a "hello/goodbye" phone, nothing fancy, no online feature...just a phone!).

    The good news....spent $150.00 for both and we are getting rebates for another $50.00 for signing up....and since her sister suggested we check out the phones, her sister gets $50.00 for us purchasing the phones!

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  • Dacubs?
    wow...i did a 3am run to Toys R' US, Target at 4, Walmart at 5, didn't really need anything that would have run out, but I always like 8 yr old wanted to come with this year, so we just stayed in the car until the doors opened...she had fun being up that early and we ended our morning with breakfast at McDonalds and then back home before her younger brother and sister woke up.

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  • key2win
    That you can make it through a 8 hour work shift at a bank on Black Friday with no sleep the night before? LOL!

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  • gladdyontherise
    Saw on todays news a local Target, people charged the doors and the trampeling began, reason #1 why i wont go out on Black Friday

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  • Myerburg311
    and what did we learn Kerwin?

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  • key2win
    Well I was up at 4 AM this morning at Target. Then I went to Gamestop. I got everything on my list and basically my Xmas shopping is over. I was back home in bed by 5:15, so it was successful for me. But now I am in the middle of an 8 hour work shift and Im half asleep. LOL!

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  • Dacubs?
    i usually go to get a few things, but i only get there a half hour or so before they don't get the great deal, limited quantity stuff, but you can still sometimes get what you want

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  • Myerburg311
    Only on blowout!

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  • jsab4807
    If I can find Californication seasons real cheap, I'll probably go out and pick them up. Otherwise, nothing else I'd go out for.

    Either way, I'm up until 4-5AM every night anyways, so it's not like the times would effect me, lol

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  • gladdyontherise
    I don't need something bad enough to stake out a store and run around like a crazy person, thats just me though

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  • key2win
    Yeah the last two years have just been Target and Gamestop for me since Circuit City closed. I get a lot of good deals going in the morning. Most are for DVD box sets that I get for $10-13 each that I give to friends/coworkers for Xmas.

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  • thebighurt035
    Hey Kerwin,
    you won't have to go here anymore "Circuit City" they closed,lol

    Circuit City is online,I think Tiger Direct and Comp USA and Circuit City are now owned by the same company.

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  • OriolesFan
    No, I try to avoid the crowds.

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