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  • ac-n-mike
    Originally posted by ranbethscards View Post
    You have to remember that our current President is one of those senators that complained about that other President giving the order to "take 'em out". But since it worked for him he's okay with it.

    Now, with that being said, I did not vote for Obama, but he IS the Commander-In-Chief, and as such, I'll back his play.

    Proud to be an American.....!!!!
    and THIS is why you are True American.... he IS your President

    I have backed a few that I didnt care for either but I am a Proud American and that is what you do

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  • ocanseco55
    Originally posted by thebighurt035 View Post
    Yes by him stating that this was an" American operation" sure sounds like he stated that he pulled the trigger,I guess you guys where watching another channel

    No, he did not pull the trigger he was not one of the men and or woman out there on the ground making sacrifices to gather the intel to brief Obama of the location of that coward.. I simply meant he was not in uniform on location pulling triggers and risking his life.. tonight he gave the speech as if he was there doing work.. I am not against Obama I think he was handed a shit storm and he is doing his best to right all the wrong that our past leaders have created..

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  • ocanseco55
    Originally posted by Ground Support View Post

    He acted if he worked tirelessly to get this guy. Day and night..

    You know he was probably watching sports when he got informed of the operation, and he instantly knew he could use this for a reelection bid.

    I wouldn't put it past him to fake this to make him look like a hero to improve his approval rating..

    Who knows. Lets see what Al Queda has to say. You know they will come out with something..
    a reelection bid is exactly the reason behind this move.. his ratings are in the dump. this move had to be made to get America back on his side..

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  • thebighurt035
    Unconfirmed pic of bin Laden:


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  • jratliff70
    Dang they've already removed it lol.

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  • jsab4807
    There's one going around clue if it's real or not.

    (GRAPHIC....obviously lol)

    Unlimited space to host images, easy to use image uploader, albums, photo hosting, sharing, dynamic image resizing on web and mobile.

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  • thebighurt035
    Have they released any photo's yet?

    I heard they have confirmed DNA but a photo would be nice.

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  • jsab4807
    The Obama lovefest that's going on seemingly everywhere is pretty ridiculous.

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  • jratliff70
    The moron in chief used this victory for our military and our country as a great time to push his reelection campaign. He never thanked the troops until the very end. November 2012 can't get here soon enough!

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  • thebighurt035
    Originally posted by Ground Support View Post

    He acted if he worked tirelessly to get this guy. Day and night..

    You know he was probably watching sports when he got informed of the operation, and he instantly knew he could use this for a reelection bid.

    I wouldn't put it past him to fake this to make him look like a hero to improve his approval rating..

    Who knows. Lets see what Al Queda has to say. You know they will come out with something..

    No no,
    he was at the Bush ranch with George tipping over cows lmao

    Really he was playing 18 holes of golf from what I heard but had to cut it to just 9

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  • ranbethscards
    Politicians lie? what's next? you gonna tell me the Pope is Catholic?

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  • thebighurt035
    Originally posted by ranbethscards View Post
    You have to remember that our current President is one of those senators that complained about that other President giving the order to "take 'em out". But since it worked for him he's okay with it.

    Now, with that being said, I did not vote for Obama, but he IS the Commander-In-Chief, and as such, I'll back his play.

    Proud to be an American.....!!!!

    I voted for Obama but the way things are going he is not getting my vote next election.

    Obama also stated when he was running for president that he wanted to kill/get bin Landen.

    I am sure every politician whether dumbacrat,repuke or tea crapper has never changed their mind or even lied right? lol

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  • Ground Support
    lol you don't want to get me started on Obama, because you will lose.

    So lets end it now.

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  • ranbethscards
    You have to remember that our current President is one of those senators that complained about that other President giving the order to "take 'em out". But since it worked for him he's okay with it.

    Now, with that being said, I did not vote for Obama, but he IS the Commander-In-Chief, and as such, I'll back his play.

    Proud to be an American.....!!!!

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  • Ground Support
    Originally posted by ocanseco55 View Post
    the way Obama explained it, its as if he was there pulling the trigger..


    He acted if he worked tirelessly to get this guy. Day and night..

    You know he was probably watching sports when he got informed of the operation, and he instantly knew he could use this for a reelection bid.

    I wouldn't put it past him to fake this to make him look like a hero to improve his approval rating..

    Who knows. Lets see what Al Queda has to say. You know they will come out with something..

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