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Memorial Day Tribute At Church - A Very Proud Son

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  • Memorial Day Tribute At Church - A Very Proud Son

    This morning in Church we celebrated Memorial Day by honoring those military members that gave their lives in the service of their Country.

    At the same time we honored those members who served or are currently serving in the military.

    The Minister asked all former and current military members to stand. While there were no current military members at the service, those of us who had served stood up to be recognized. We were then asked to come forward and acknowledge which branch of the service we had served.

    All together there were approximately a dozen men who stood before the congregation and each took a turn saying which branch they were members of.

    The last two members to state their branch called out Air Force.

    Father and Son.

    MY father and I.

    My father and a very proud son.
    United States Air Force, Retired

    Freedom Is Not Free

    From the time of discovery and for the
    balance of life, an individual diagnosed
    with cancer IS a Survivor!

    Thank You GOD...I am a Survivor!

  • #2


    • #3
      thats pretty special brother. Thank you!

      ^^^ Sig Revolves w/Every Refresh or Post^^^


      • #4
        Very cool...

        My father was in Vietnam (doorman in the helicopter) and I cant even begin to imagine the things he saw and had to do etc...and to this day is in and out of V.A. hosipital and has never and will never be the same mentally and physically

        My Grandfather was in Korea and is buried in the V.A. Memorial here in Houston

        Very proud to say that I am kin to both...

