I'm going to the Chantilly Card Show this Saturday, I heard it's super duper big and stuff. Before that, the only shows i've ever been to were minor monthly shows at a local mall that had maybe 5-7 tables max. With that said, uhh, any tips on how to navigate? Should I bring a list of stuff i'm looking for? Should I bring my own row boxes to put cards I purchase in? Any cool people or dealers I should look out for? And how about bargaining, how willing are these big show dealers to buldge on pricing?
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Going to my first major card show this Saturday
Going to my first major card show this Saturday
"The good kid from the mad city, holding a cereal box instead of a glock"
Bucket (Not Updated)|Set NeedsTags: None
Good luck at the show. As for tips, probably do a walkthrough of each row first to see where you can get the best deal. If you find a card that you want, the table a few aisles down may have it cheaper. If you have a good memory, no need for a list. I usually dont bring any boxes to the shows, most dealers there have team bags, top holders, bags they give you.
I could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure one of the vendors that usually sets up at the shows I go to will be at this show. He'll probably have 5-7 tables, he's a very heavy guy, if he's there he'll have a bunch of Basketball.
My advice would be bring a backpack vs carrying around a box. The backpack should be easier to carry/maintain while you look around
so overall what do u think about the show?!?! im going to.my ver first show on the first of next month and i couldnt be more excited!!photo bucket (new)
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