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TNA Impact Results - 5/12/11

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  • TNA Impact Results - 5/12/11

    TNA Impact Results
    May 12th, 2011

    Impact opens up with Eric Bischoff approaching Hulk Hogan and asks him what he's doing. He tells Bischoff that he's waiting for the Spike Rep. He's holding a pipe and Bischoff tells him that they can't "beat their way out" of this, they have to think their way out of it. Bischoff says this is a different game and they have to play to win it. Hogan agrees and they walk into the Impact Zone together.

    Jeff Jarrett's music hits and he and Karen make their way down to the ring. Jarrett says after he and Karen have thought a lot about all of this, they have decided to come out here tonight and once and for all call a truce. He says he knows that he has mockingly offered him a truce before but tonight he is very sincere. Jeff says Karen is so sweet, innocent, and fragile and she wouldn't hurt a fly. He says for her to be put in harm's way at Sacrifice is wrong. He says he's made it a top priority to keep her out of all of his matches, especially his matches with Kurt. Jeff claims she has had NOTHING to do with the outcome of their matches. Jeff says the mere thought of Kurt or Kurt's "mistress" doing any type of harm to Karen is a crime itself.

    Karen & Jeff hug and then Karen says she knows Kurt has had a lot of matches in his career and maybe he's had his bell rung a few too many times, but how he convinced himself that she is nothing but a thorn in his side is beyond her. She says that she is the complete opposite and she has been nothing but a warm, caring, giving ex-mother and the mother of his children. Karen says the last 3 months between her, Jeff, and Kurt has been a complete misunderstanding. She says if the restraining order she had against Kurt was in Kurt's best interest. She asks Kurt to come out and she'll humbly accept Kurt's apology.

    Kurt Angle's music hits and he walks down to the ring. Kurt says it's over Karen, it's done and he says that after being married to her for over 10 years he thought Karen would realize not to push him the way she has. Kurt says she just kept pushing and pushing and pushing for the last 6 months. He says they have been pressing all the right buttons and he tolerated because she is the mother of his kids, but he has no idea why he ever even married her. Kurt says its only a matter of time before Jeff realizes that Karen is nothing but pure evil and by the time that happens she'll take Jeff for everything he's worth. Kurt says before that happens he'll get his justice. He says at Sacrifice it will be Jeff & Karen against Kurt and his partner that he'll introduce tonight. Kurt says he was going to introduce her right now but the Spike representative wanted to give her a proper introduction so Jeff and Karen will have to wait. Kurt says he can't wait to see Karen's look and he says that Jeff knows her.

    Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher vs Madison Rayne & Tara

    Mickie and Tara start the match off and they lockup in the center of the ring. Tara gets Mickie in a Wristlock and she twists on her arm. Mickie cartwheels through it and hits an Armdrag. Mickie holds onto Tara's wrist and twists on her arm. Tara rolls through it and hits an Armdrag of her own. Tara holds onto Mickie's wrist too and then locks in an Armlock. Mickie fights it off and then both go for a Dropkick and both miss. Mickie offers a handshake and Tara accepts it as Madison screams at her. Tara and Madison start arguing so Tara tags Madison in. Madison turns around into a Thesz Press from Mickie. Mickie then picks up Madison but eats a knee to the gut. Madison kicks Mickie in the head and then starts arguing with Tara again. Mickie rolls over and tags in Tessmacher. Madison laughs at Tessmacher gets in the ring but eats a series of forearms! Tessmacher attempts to whip Madison into the corner but Madison reverses it. Madison charges at her but eats a boot and then Tessmacher climbs up top and gets up on Madison's shoulders and hits the Victory Roll! 1...2...3!

    Winners: Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher

    Madison can't believe that Tessmacher just pinned her and she's not happy that Tara didn't break up the pin. They argue in the ring as Mickie & Tessmacher celebrate on the ramp. Tara walks away from Madison leaving her in the ring.

    In the back Ric Flair arrives and walks into Hogan's office. Hogan accuses Flair of being the one that's been helping the Network. Flair asks him if he's out of his mind and he asks who he thinks he's talking to. Hogan says Flair has been missing the last two weeks and Flair says it's because his shoulder is busted up. Bischoff tries to calm them both down. Hogan apologizes to Flair and he says he's just rattled over the network thing. Flair says Hogan is bigger than the Network and screw the network. He says the network doesn't tell them what to do but Hogan says this is the biggest thing they've come against. Hogan apologizes again and Bischoff says they have to get on the same page. Hogan and Flair shake hands and Flair says they need to get it done.

    In the back Tara talks about being free from Madison if Mickie wins. Tara describes how they always bicker and she calls her a brat. Madison walks up and asks her what she's talking about and then she says when she beats Mickie, Tara's life will be hell and she pokes Tara.

    We then cut to Tommy in the back and Tommy refuses to say anything. The camera dude asks why he Piledrove AJ and Tommy says he has a family to take care of. AJ walks up on him and asks Tommy if there's something he needs to talk to him about. AJ says Fortune wants answers too and Dreamer says AJ is too young and too understanding to understand what he's going through. AJ says he's a grown man with 3 kids and he says it was him who stuck a fork in Dreamer's eye and asks how innocent that was. AJ says Dreamer isn't the same person and he asks if it's over the whole EV2 thing. Dreamer says it has nothing to do with EV2 and AJ just doesn't understand and he never will. AJ tells him to enlighten him or how about they just have a match at Sacrifice! AJ asks if that's what he wants and Dreamer says AJ doesn't know what he wants. He gets in AJ's face and AJ says if he doesn't get out of his face they'll throw down right here and right now. Dreamer backs off and AJ starts mocking Dreamer backing away from a fight. AJ says that isn't the Dreamer he knew. Dreamer gets back in AJ's face and says that maybe no one ever knew who he really was to begin with. Dreamer tells AJ to walk a mile in his shoes and then he throws a chair. He walks away and asks "what would Tommy Dreamer do, AJ."

    We cut to Sting taking pics for TNA and then he talks to the camera guy and he puts over how great RVD is. Sting says he's going to be fighting for his life at Sacrifice and sometimes that brings out the worst, but also the best in you. They ask him about the network and Sting says there is a rep here tonight and shortly it will be showtime.

    Beer Money's music hits and the Tag Champs make their way out to the ring. Roode says last week Hardy was going to make a phone call and call someone special to come and challenge Beer Money for the Tag Titles at Sacrifice. Roode says everyone knows who he's talking about and Hardy needs to come out right now so they can accept the challenge face to face.

    Matt Hardy makes his way down to ringside. Matt says last week Roode impressed him last week when he called out Hogan. Hardy says for the first time in his life Roode showed that he had a set and he says we all saw Roode become a man in front of our eyes. Hardy says Roode wants to be taken serious and wants to be noticed. Hardy says he has noticed he and Storm and he talks about Storm being drunk and he says it makes him sick. Hardy calls them worthless nobodies and says they will never be anyone. Hardy says what gives him the right to say that is that he is ½ of the greatest tag team to ever grace to the Pro Wrestling industry. He says that Storm was raised to be a drunk cowboy full of hot air and Roode was raised to be another annoying Canadian and an arrogant egomaniac. Hardy says they walk around like they're the greatest thing ever because no one has had the balls to put them in their place but he does. He says that will happen at Sacrifice when he and his partner take the titles from Beer Money.

    Storm says that Hardy is wasting his breath and he says everyone knows Hardy Boyz WERE great and they already know that Storm is a long haired redneck and they know after he whoops someone's butt he likes to indulge in an adult beverage. Storm says what he doesn't do is go around disrespecting people since he got to TNA. Hardy says that Storm is disrespecting him right now by talking in that tone of voice and calls Storm an alcoholic full of hot air and that's all he ever will be. Roode and Storm come down to Hardy at ringside and then Storm takes a swig of his beer. Storm says who he is, is the man that will walk into a bar and bust you right in the face and then walk out with his girl and make Hardy buy him a case of beer. Storm says what Hardy needs to do is shut his damn mouth and bring his brother out to the ring and see just how great they are. Hardy says this thing will happen but it will happen at Sacrifice and he says all the piece of trash fans will have to pay to see them, but his partner isn't Jeff Hardy. Hardy says his partner is a man that knows Storm inside and out and knows everything about Storm. AMERICAS MOST WANTED music hits!

    CHRIS HARRIS walks out onto the stage! Harris stares Storm down and Storm just stares back. Hardy says "see you this Sunday."

    Sangriento vs Suicide

    The two lockup and Suicide forces Sangriento into the corner. Suicide hits Sangriento with a series of clotheslines and chops. He then whips Sangriento into the opposite corner and charges at him, but Sangriento sidesteps him and drop toe holds him into the turnbuckles. Sangriento then hits a Double Tap Dropkick in the corner. Sangriento then hits the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Suicide and hits a Spinning Headscissors Takeover on Suicide! Suicide falls out to the floor and then Sangriento hits a Corkscrew Plancha over the top onto Suicide! Sangriento rolls Suicide back into the ring and connects with a Missile Dropkick and then nips back up. Sangriento hits a big Running Forearm to Suicide. Sangriento hits the ropes but eats a Running Knee from Suicide! Suicide mounts Sangriento and throws several right hands at him. Suicide whips Sangriento into the ropes and hits the Reverse DDT/Elbow Drop for a nearfall. Suicide picks Sangriento up and the two exchange chops. Suicide goes for a backhand but Sangriento ducks and then slides under Suicide's legs. Suicide turns around and Sangriento goes for a Roundhouse Kick, but Suicide ducks only to eat a Spinning Enziguri from Sangriento! Sangriento then hits a Running Spin Kick on Suicide in the corner and then he hits the ropes and Suicide picks him up for a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, but Sangriento counters into a Spinning DDT! 1...2...NO Suicide kicks out! Sangriento climbs up top and goes for a Senton Bomb but Suicide rolls away. Sangriento rolls through but as he gets to his feet Suicide kicks him. Suicide then hits the Suicide Solution! 1...2...NO Sangriento kicks out! Suicide tosses Sangriento in the corner and charges but Sangriento gets a boot up! Sangriento then dives off the middle rope with a Diving Flatliner. Sangriento hits a Spinning Back Kick and then he hits that Springboard No-Look Diamond Cutter again! 1...2...3!

    Winner: Sangriento

    Immortal's music hits and Hogan, Bischoff, & Flair walk down to the ring. Suicide is trying to recover in the ring as the Immortal trio climbs in. Flair kicks Suicide in the nuts and then kicks him out of the ring. Hogan says the games are over and he says he runs this damn place. Hogan says he wants the network rep to get his or her butt out here right now. Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett have joined Immortal in the ring. Hogan again says he wants to know who the Network rep is and he wants to know right now. MICK FOLEY'S MUSIC HITS!

    Hogan has a look of shock on his face as Mick walks out and Foley says it's me. Foley says things were looking Hogan's way but March 3rd things started to unravel when someone from the Network got in the way and re-introduced Sting into things and Hogan's plans started to unravel. He says someone always had a counter for everything Hogan did to make sure he never had complete control over TNA and that someone was him! Foley gets in the ring and Foley asks Bischoff if he has something to say. Bischoff gets in his face so Foley pie faces him! Foley dares Hogan to take a shot at him and he better make sure it's a good one because when he gets up Hogan will not be in TNA ever again!

    Foley says this show is no longer about Hulk Hogan, it's about WRESTLING. Foley says as of now wrestling matters once again. He says it mattered when he was a kid at Madison Square Garden and watched Hogan win the World Title and it mattered when he saw Flair & Steamboat go 40 minutes in East Rutherford, New Jersey. He says sometimes we forget that wrestling matters so they are fixing it. He says this show is no longer TNA Wrestling, it's Impact Wrestling. Hogan says Foley can't do that and Foley says he just did! Foley says everytime you hear the word Impact, Hogan will think back to this day when Hogan stopped making a difference. Foley says to show that wrestling matters and to show what an Impact is we have a new Main Event! Tonight it will be a 25-Man Battle Royal! Foley says no more games or politics, just 25 men in the ring to decide who is the #1 Contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Foley looks at Jarrett and says he's going to tell him who Angle's partner is. Foley points at the stage as the word "CHYNA" shows up on the screen. Karen and Jeff freak out as Chyna walks onto the stage! Bischoff is freaking out too. Foley says "Hulk, have a nice day" as Karen is crying in the ring.

    In the back Foley is standing with Chyna. Foley says it's back to be on Impact Wrestling and when he was back in the ring adrenaline and emotion was flowing again and it feels to be back on a show when wrestling matters. Foley says he's in a position of authority and he was hoping Hogan would knock him down and he says he wanted to take Hogan's best shot because he wanted to get back up and fire him. Foley says he's forgotten that wrestling matters and it matters what happens in the ring. Foley says Jarrett will be in the match and he suggests Chyna be there too.

    Mr. Anderson says he's been saying wrestling matters all along and he points at his shirt that says "Pro Wrestling is real, people are fake." Anderson questions that it was Foley who has been holding him back and denying him of his title shot, but says he's in the Battle Royal tonight and he will enjoy throwing everyone of them out of the ring and going after Sting or RVD.

    Triple Threat Match
    Abyss vs Crimson vs Samoa Joe

    Crimson & Abyss starting throwing right hands at each other as Joe just laughs. Finally Joe comes after and starts nailing Abyss with jabs. He then starts headbutting both Crimson & Abyss. Joe then hits a Leaping Enziguri on Crimson. Joe ducks a clothesline from Abyss and hits an Atomic Drop followed by a Running Front Kick! Joe then hits a Backsplash Senton! Joe grabs Abyss but Crimson hits him with a Running Big Boot! Crimson then goes after Abyss and attempts to whip him into the ropes, but Abyss reverses it. Abyss goes for a backdrop but Crimson kicks him in the head and then locks in a Cravate and connects with Knee Strikes. Crimson then hits a Swinging Neckbreaker on Abyss. Crimson and Abyss stare each other down and start exchanging Forearms! Crimson puts a knee in Joe's gut and then locks in a Cravate on him and hits the Knee Strikes on him as well. He then hits the ropes and charges at Joe but Joe catches him with a Snap Powerslam! Joe talks trash to Crimson but then turns around and eats a boot from Abyss. Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam! He then walks into a Spear from Crimson! Crimson covers Joe, 1...2...3!

    Winner: Crimson

    After the match Joe goes nuts and is about to jump Crimson but Abyss beats him to it! Joe watches Abyss beat the hell out of Crimson and walks out. Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Crimson.

    RVD says he's going to watch the Battle Royal and says it never hurts to have too much information, so he can know who he'll face after Sacrifice. RVD says whoever wins the Battle Royal will be his opponent after Sacrifice.

    25 Man Battle Royal
    Douglas Williams vs Magnus vs Orlando Jordan vs Anarquia vs Eric Young vs Shannon Moore vs Jesse Neal vs Robbie E vs Kazarian vs Matt Hardy vs James Storm vs Robert Roode vs Daniels vs Hernandez vs Matt Morgan vs Scott Steiner vs Devon vs Pope vs AJ Styles vs Bully Ray vs Tommy Dreamer vs Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett vs Mr. Anderson vs Gunner

    As the bell rings everybody goes at it! Morgan eliminates both members of BRITISH INVASION right off the bat! Morgan grabs Orlando Jordan and flings him over the top rope! JORDAN is eliminated! Morgan eliminates ANARQUIA now! Bully Ray almost eliminates Angle but he holds on. Anderson is almost eliminated as well, but only one foot touched. Pope goes over the top but he hangs on as Kaz tries to eliminate him. Eric Young starts running on the apron so Jarrett drags him back in the ring and beats on him. Hernandez tosses JESSE NEAL over the top! He then Press Slams Moore over the top onto Neal eliminating MOORE! Morgan tosses ROBBIE over the top now! Gunner tosses Eric Young over the top but he skins the cat back in and eliminates GUNNER! He then starts slingshoting himself in and out of the ring onto the apron and back in. He then dives over the top ELIMINATING HIMSELF!

    Jarrett suplexes Kazarian from the apron to the outside eliminating KAZ! Hardy and Storm fight on the apron now and they eliminate each other! STORM & HARDY are eliminated! As the referees argue with Storm, Hardy reaches up and pulls Roode over the top to the floor! ROODE is eliminated! Roode and Storm chase Hardy up the ramp. Bully Ray eliminates DANIELS! Morgan eliminates HERNANDEZ! Steiner then eliminates MORGAN! Hernandez holds onto Steiner's arm and Ray eliminates STEINER! Ray tosses AJ over the top but AJ holds onto the ropes. Ray kicks Devon in the face and then he kicks AJ in the head. Ray tells Dreamer to eliminate AJ. Pope hits a big splash on AJ in the corner and then he starts beating on Devon but Devon tosses him in the corner and hits a Splash. Devon then charges at Pope but Pope gets a boot up and then uses that momentum to flip himself backward over the top rope. He lands on the apron and sidesteps Devon as he charges and DEVON is eliminated! Pope taunts him but Angle catches him from behind and clotheslines POPE over the top eliminating him!

    AJ attacks Jarrett and Ray and hits a Leaping Enziguri on Bubba, but Dreamer attacks him from behind. Dreamer Elbow Drops AJ repeatedly and Jarrett joins him in Elbow Dropping AJ. Angle grabs Ray and locks in the Ankle Lock! Dreamer breaks it up. Angle whips Dreamer into the ropes and hits a Back Elbow. Ray tries to eliminate AJ but AJ blocks it and then dropkicks Ray over the top but he hangs on. Dreamer then sneaks up behind AJ and eliminates STYLES! Ray slaps Dreamer five but then grabs Dreamer from behind and eliminates DREAMER! Ray and Jarrett join up and go after Angle & Anderson. Ray tries to eliminate Anderson but Anderson blocks it and holds on. Anderson tries to eliminate Ray but Ray holds on and hits Anderson with several elbows. Angle almost eliminates Jarrett but Ray chop blocks Angle to save Jarrett. Anderson hits a big clothesline on Ray and then a back elbow and then he hits the Swinging Neckbreaker! Ray rolls out of the ring and then Angle hits Anderson from behind and Anderson goes out of the ring but he goes under the ropes rather than over. In the ring Jarrett whips Angle into the ropes but eats a Forearm from Angle! Angle whips Jarrett into the corner and charges but Jarrett gets his boot up only to eat a Belly-to-Belly Overhead Suplex! Angle tries to Angle Slam Jarrett over the top, but Karen holds onto Angle's legs allowing Jarrett to counter with an Armdrag. Angle comes right back with a clothesline. Karen grabs Kurt's leg again so Angle drags Karen onto the apron. Jeff comes from behind Angle and dumps him over the top! Jeff thinks he's won so Karen comes in and celebrates with him. He doesn't realize Ray & Anderson are still alive as they brawl on the outside. Chyna rolls into the ring and shows up behind Jarrett! He turns around and Chyna tosses him over the top! Chyna grabs Karen by the throat but Karen pulls her out and they bail through the crowd, Chyna follows. Ray and Anderson roll back into the ring. Anderson and Ray actually start trading right hands as they are laying on the mat, they get to their knees and continue throwing rights, and finally exchange rights on their feet. Ray hits a clothesline on Anderson and then tries to eliminate him but Anderson holds on. Anderson comes back on Ray and then climbs up top and goes for the Kenton Bomb, but Ray gets his knees up! Ray tosses Anderson over the top but he holds on. Ray starts punching him on the apron and Anderson teeters on the apron, but he blocks a shot and then drags Ray over the top! Anderson dumps RAY over the top eliminating him! Anderson gets his title shot!

    Winner: Mr. Anderson

    Anderson celebrates in the ring. The microphone drops down from the ceiling and Anderson puts over all of the obstacles he's overcome and then introduces himself as the #1 Contender!

    In the back the camera zooms on the TNA Title and then Sting says he's happy for Anderson and he says wrestling matters and it will really matter when he shuts Anderson's mouth in the center of the ring. RVD walks up and cuts him off and says he has to beat him before he can get to Anderson. Anderson then walks up and tells them to save it for Sunday. He says he doesn't care who wins, if it's RVD or Sting, and he guarantees that at Slammiversary he will be in rare form. RVD and Sting stare each other down as Impact goes off the air.

  • #2
    so they did not announce Kurts buisness partner? I stopped watching and totally forgot to tune back

    ^^^ Sig Revolves w/Every Refresh or Post^^^


    • #3
      Yes...they introduced Chyna....

      disappointed here!

      another chest implant...and her arms are not the "guns" they use to be.
      United States Air Force, Retired

      Freedom Is Not Free

      From the time of discovery and for the
      balance of life, an individual diagnosed
      with cancer IS a Survivor!

      Thank You GOD...I am a Survivor!


      • #4
        she has to look better than THIS though lol


        • #5
          actually ....NOT!

          Really starting to look extremely rough....her Playboy days are way behind her.
          United States Air Force, Retired

          Freedom Is Not Free

          From the time of discovery and for the
          balance of life, an individual diagnosed
          with cancer IS a Survivor!

          Thank You GOD...I am a Survivor!


          • #6
            Originally posted by ranbethscards View Post
            Yes...they introduced Chyna....

            disappointed here!

            another chest implant...and her arms are not the "guns" they use to be.
            really they recycled a failed pornstar lol booooooooooooooooo

            I would have liked to have seen someone like Beth Phoenix(not sure of her contract/injury situation)

            ^^^ Sig Revolves w/Every Refresh or Post^^^


            • #7
              Originally posted by wheeler281 View Post
              really they recycled a failed pornstar lol booooooooooooooooo

              I would have liked to have seen someone like Beth Phoenix(not sure of her contract/injury situation)
              I can't see Phoenix ever going to TNA unless WWE flat out releases her (which I don't see happening anytime soon)

              She probably makes MUCH better money than the Impact Wrestling girls do..although she'd be a 5time Knockout champion if she left...


              Impact Wrestling is no good..its the same guys every week, sure WWE is like that, but they give pushes to many other guys..TNA is just Anderson, RVD, Sting, and that seems to be it..If they do push someone (example Matt Morgan) its for one month and then they do nothing with them for 5 months after...

              Storylines don't make sense, and its the same thing over and over..the problem with TNA is we don't know who their top guy is..on RAW, we KNOW its Cena, and we know the show is always gonna be focused around him, thats fine..TNA doesn't know who their top guy is, so its focused around 3 guys and nothing changes, atleast when you focus on one guy, you can always give him someone different to challenge, when its 3 guys, you can't do that.


              • #8
                totally agree Dan.. I just was disappointed with the build up then hear they roll dirtbag out..

                ^^^ Sig Revolves w/Every Refresh or Post^^^


                • #9
                  TNA is not going to change unless it's forced on them.

                  Jeff Jarrett has had to fight the perception that TNA was a reincarnation or knockoff of late-period WCW from day one, and he has not really done anything to stop that perception. Look at all the ex-WWE/WCW people on the TNA roster now. The Carter family has opened its checkbook the same way Ted Turner did in the 90's. Someone had better buy Jarrett & the Carters some books on George Santayana......

