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WWE Raw Results - 5/16/11

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  • WWE Raw Results - 5/16/11

    WWE Raw Results
    May 16th, 2011

    John Cena’s music hits and he welcomes us to the Alamo to kick off RAW! Before he can speak, Alex Riley appears on the ramp and interrupts. He shows a video package of all of the destruction Miz has smacked on Cena over the years. He promises that The Miz will never ever utter the words I Quit.

    Cena calls Riley stupid and begins to rant. Cena counters Riley’s promise with a list of things The Miz would never say no to.

    General Manager Alert

    "Since John Cena made the stipulation for Over the Limit, The Miz and Alex Riley may choose the opponent and stipulation for Cena to face tonight, providing they do not interfere."

    The Miz has not yet decided on Cena’s opponent, but promises that the match will be awesome.

    CM Punk vs Kofi Kingston

    Kofi bounces over Punk to start, and Punk slides to the outside. The New Nexus tries to walk down to the ring, but Punk cautions them to stay back. Kingston baseball kicks Punk and slides him back into the ring. Cover attempt, but Punk kicks out. Kingston gets caught with a kick and a cover attempt, but kicks out. Punk unloads with a slew of punches and tries for another cover. Kingston kicks out, only to be caught in a side headlock. Snapmare takedown from Punk and another quick cover. Kofi kicks out. Punk begins to scale the turnbuckle, but Kofi leaps into the air and kicks Punk in the skull! Kofi climbs the turnbuckle himself and leaps for a crossbody. Cover attempt, but Punk kicks out. Kofi hits a running crossbody and sets up for the Boom Drop. The move connects, but Punk counters the follow up Trouble in Paradise by setting up for the GTS. Kofi breaks free, but gets thrown into the corner. Punk lifts him back up onto his shoulders, and hits the GTS!

    Winner: CM Punk

    After the match, Punk heads up the ramp to join up with the rest of the New Nexus. He takes a seat and addresses the rumors that the Nexus is no longer formidable. He claims that there will be no more Mr. Nice Punk. He is not going to rest until each member is one of the most dominant forces in the history of the company.

    In the back, The Miz is talking to Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero.

    Kelly Kelly vs Brie Bella

    Kelly gets met with a kick in the gut, and then is thrown into the ropes. Nikki gets in a cheap shot, and Brie goes for the cover. Kelly kicks out. Brie locks on a rear headlock, and then lifts Kelly to the mat and throws her down. Kelly ducks a clotheslines and hits a tilt-a-whirl head takedown. Cartwheel elbow followed by a monkey flip from Kelly. Cover attempt, but Brie kicks out. Kelly hits a quick roll up, and picks up the win!

    Winner: Kelly Kelly

    After the match, The Bellas attack Kelly Kelly. Kharma’s music hits. Nikki attacks Kharma as Brie bails from the ring. She gets an Implant Buster. Kharma heads over to the corner where Kelly is hiding. She lifts her to her feet, and then flicks her in between the eyes. Kharma laughs, and then exits the ring.

    Miz is in the back talking with Big Show.

    Rey Mysterio’s music hits, and he comes out to address the attack from R-Truth last week. He says that he understands the feeling of being passed over, but he wouldn’t blame other people for his own problems – and he certainly wouldn’t start flipping out the way Truth did. Instead, he would handle his business like a man. He calls out Truth, and tells him to come down to the ring.

    Mysterio is still awaiting the arrival of R-Truth. Instead, Alberto Del Rio is introduced by Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio says that Rey doesn’t deserve the same stage as him, because Del Rio is a true Mexican. He throws in some Spanish to drive his point home. Rey counters by proposing a match!

    Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

    Del Rio works on the left shoulder of Rey. Rey hits an elevated kick on Del Rio, but gets caught with a pin attempt. Rey kicks out. Del Rio kicks the back of Rey hard and goes for another cover. Rey kicks out. Del Rio takes Rey to the corner and continues to work the arm by pulling it against the ropes. Del Rio takes Rey to the middle of the mat and begins to yank at his mask. Cover attempt, but Rey kicks out. Del Rio locks on an arm bar variant. Rey gets to his feet and converts a kick into an armdrag! Rey sends Del Rio into the ropes and then dodges a clothesline which sends Del Rio out of the ring.

    R-Truth appears in a luxury box and yells for someone to call the cops because Rey stole his spot. Del Rio tries for a cheap shot after the rant, but Rey moves out of the way and hits a springboard crossbody. Cover attempt but Del Rio kicks out. Rey hits a tilt-a-whirl which sends Del Rio into the 619 position. Rey goes for his signature move, but Ricardo jumps on to the apron and takes one for the team! The referee calls for the DQ.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    After the match, Del Rio attacks Rey and hits an elbow drop from the top rope. When Del Rio is done with the beating, R-Truth runs into the ring and delivers one of his own. He then grabs a mic and continues to explain to Rey why he is a thief for stealing his spot at the PPV. Truth then takes the mic and brutally attacks the head of Rey. He says he will see him on Sunday.

    Michael Cole, Jack Swagger, and Jerry Lawler are in the ring for their contract signing. Cole wants the assurance that Lawler will hold up to his end of the bargain. Lawler confirms that he will forfeit his Hall of Fame ring and induct Cole if Cole wins. They both sign. Cole laughs and says that Lawler did not read the fine print of their contract. Their match is not just any ordinary match, it will be a kiss my feet match! Cole shows us a clip from 1995 at King of the Ring during which Hart forced Lawler to kiss his foot! Cole then puts his foot up on the table so that Lawler can see what he’ll be kissing.

    Lawler reminds Cole that the clip we just saw involved Bret Hart. Cole is not Hart, he is not even Jack Swagger. Lawler says that he appreciates Swagger’s ability, even if Cole has turned him into a pathetic lackey. Cole says that Swagger wouldn’t have even been at Wrestlemania this year if not for him. Most people don’t even remember that Swagger used to be a World Champion. Swagger is not thrilled by this statement and wishes Cole good luck on Sunday as he heads to the back. Cole tries to convince Lawler that it was a joke, mainly because he doesn’t want to get beat up right here and now. Lawler pulls him down by the tie onto the table and then lifts the entire table up into the air flipping Cole down to the mat.

    Miz is in the back talking with Kane, but Kane walks away with Big Show.

    Big Show & Kane vs David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty

    Kane and McGillicutty start the match. Uppercut, scoop slam, and kick to McGillicutty. Show gets the tag, and tries for a slam, but McGillicutty moves out of the way and tags in Otunga. Show’s face meets Otunga’s foot, and there is a cover. Show kicks out, and McGillicutty gets the tag and works the leg and goes for the cover. Show kicks out. Otunga gets the tag and continues the leg work. Another tag. McGillicutty kicks the leg and drops and elbow. McGillicutty wrenches back on the ankle of Show. Show counters by lifting his healthy leg over McGillicutty’s face. Otunga gets the tag, and goes right back to the leg. Show pushes him away and grabs Otunga’s neck. Otunga kicks free, and looks for a side headlock. Show counters into a side slam. McGillicutty gets the tag, but Show fights him off. Kane finally gets the tag and decks McGillicutty. He heads to the top rope, and connects with a flying clothesline. Otunga runs into the ring but receives a boot to his face. Mason Ryan enters the ring, but Show takes care of the interference. Punk sees the distraction and kicks Kane in the back of the head. McGillicutty goes for the cover and this match is over!

    Winner: Michael McGillicutty & David Otunga

    Scott Stanford interviews Big Show and Kane about their loss tonight. Kane promises that there redemption will come on Sunday night.

    John Cena is in the back and bumps fists with Zack Ryder.

    The Miz comes out on the ramp to announce the match type for John Cena tonight, a No Holds Barred match. Cena enters, but Jack Swagger attacks him from behind! Miz says that Swagger will be his opponent tonight.

    No Holds Barred
    John Cena vs Jack Swagger

    Swagger is working on the arm of Cena. He takes Cena to an exposed guard rail and wrenches his arm around the steel. Back in the ring, Jack Swagger places a chair onto the chest of Cena and goes for his second rope plunge. The move connects and Swagger goes for the cover. Cena kicks out. Cena tries to counter a whip, but Swagger counters by playing his opponent in the ankle lock! Cena counters with a roll through.

    Swagger charges at Cena, but runs into a chair he set up in between the ropes earlier in the match! The referee begins the ten count. Both men get to their feet and Cena hits shoulder blocks followed by a side slam. The 5 Knuckle Shuffle connects, and Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. He hits it, and immediately locks on the STF! Swagger taps and this match is over.

    Winner: John Cena

    The Miz is on the mic and tells Cena to enjoy this moment, because after Sunday night, there will be nothing but anguish in his life. Miz says there are so many ways to make someone say I Quit. For instance, he could chuck Cena off the stage or he could slam him into steel. Miz sends Riley on a scavenger hunt, and he returns with a steel pipe. Miz holds it as he walks down to the ring to stand on the apron. Miz declares that he will be the Champion come Sunday. Miz says that Cena is looking at him as though he is lying. Miz says he won’t use the pipe on Sunday, but he will use it tonight. Riley tries for a cheap attack, but Cena blocks. Miz connects with a pipe shot, but Cena counters the next and grabs the pipe himself. He attacks Riley as Miz jumps him. Cena manages to clear the ring with his fists. Cena grabs a mic and says that on Sunday, The Miz will say I Quit.

  • #2
    That show was painful to watch.....I felt like I was watching Smackdown.

    Collecting: Browns/Cavaliers/Indians GU/Autos,
    Ohio State Autos, Jamaal Charles GU/Autos,


    • #3
      Try being there. It was uneventful. The one highlight was a "dark match" after it was all over on TV. The Miz challenged Cena to a match riped his shirt and jacket off and began. Alex Riley interfered and was tossed by the ref. After that, it was all Cena and he finished the Miz off with an attitude adjustment. Not to mention the AT&T Center staff were very rude and testy about quite a few things. I'm going to complain to them, ticketmaster and the WWE and try and get at least a partial refund.
      I am looking for: JJ Watt, Kawhi Leonard, George Springer, Carlos Correa, Jose Altuve, Panini Points...
      I don't deal outside the US


      • #4
        Originally posted by jsab4807 View Post
        That show was painful to watch.....I felt like I was watching Smackdown.
        Yep..I'm telling you, the shows were much better when Miz was champion, now that Cena is, they're bad again.


        • #5
          Any WWE show will suck when Cena is the champ. The only good show is when he loses the title. LOL!

