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WWE Raw Results - 5/23/11

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  • WWE Raw Results - 5/23/11

    WWE Raw Results
    May 23rd, 2011

    RAW kicks off with a tribute screen to Randy Macho Man Savage.

    Jerry Lawler’s music hits as he walks down to the ring. He says that finally our national nightmare is over, Michael Cole has been defeated. Lawler says that he had an ace up his sleeve at the PPV, actually he had a Hart. Bret Hart’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He is happy to be back on RAW. He says that last night, Cole suffered the agony of de feet.

    Before he can continue, R-Truth walks down to the ring. Truth says that it is an honor to be in the ring with Hart. He tells the crowd to shut up. He asks Hart if he knows how many title matches Truth has been in, the answer is zero. Truth wants to help Hart help Truth. He takes Hart’s sunglasses and says that he needs to find himself a little jimmy. He tries to hand them out to a kid in the crowd, but it doesn’t go so well. Truth comes back into the ring to complain more about not getting matches. Hart says that reason Truth hasn’t had the matches, is because he is a lunatic. Truth says that he isn’t going to stand here and be disrespected and starts to leave the ring.

    John Cena’s music hits, and he makes his way out onto the ramp. Cena says that it is time he and Truth have a little bit of a talk. But before that, he wants to soak in the fact that Hart is back in a WWE ring. Hart congratulates him on a great job last night. Now it is back to the resident lunatic. Cena says that he has been paying attention to Miz lately, and isn’t sure exactly when Truth went crazy. Cena says that they used to be cool. Truth says that Cena doesn’t know a damn thing about cool, and he doesn’t know a damn thing about him. Truth says that the conspiracy he has been talking about is about Cena. Truth says that the people in the audience make sure that it is all about John Cena. Cena counters by saying that he makes sure it is all about the people. Truth says everyone is running out saying they need the new Cena T-Shirts, armbands, and DVDs. Truth wants his son back. Truth desperately wants a match against Cena. John says that he is a bit banged up from last night but he is going to knock some sense into Truth.

    General Manager Alert

    "Truth needs to prove himself some more before he is awarded a Title match. Tonight is his chance as R-Truth & CM Punk take on John Cena & Rey Mysterio with Bret Hart as the Special Guest Referee!"

    In the parking lot, Big Show & Kane are talking about the fact that the New Nexus always seems to run in a pack. Ricardo Rodriguez comes up and is unhappy about the fact that they are leaning against Alberto Del Rio’s car. Show pushes him down to the ground. Del Rio comes up and continues the Spanish smack talk. Show and Kane walk away as Rio pulls Ricardo up off the pavement.

    Kane & Big Show vs David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty

    CM Punk joins in on commentary for the match with Mason Ryan standing beside him. Kane and Otunga start the match off. Kane beats him with a series of punches, and then throws him out of the ring. Otunga’s head is bashed into the apron, and then rolled back into the ring. Show gets the tag and Kane holds back Otunga as Show chops him in the chest. Otunga runs over to tag in Michael. Show backs him into the corner, and then connects with a massive chop. In the middle of the ring, Show connects with another chop. Show steps on his chest, and then shoulder blocks him to the mat. Otunga rolls out of the ring as we head to commercial.

    Back from the break, McGillicutty has Kane in a side headlock. Kane gets to his feet and whips McGillicutty into the ropes. McGillicutty ducks a blow and kicks the leg of Kane. Otunga gets the tag. Pin attempt, but Kane kicks out. Otunga locks on a rear headlock. Kane breaks free and whips Otunga into the ropes connecting with a boot to the face. Otunga tags in McGillicutty and Big Show gets the tag. McGillicutty is met with several clotheslines, then a big splash followed by a shoulder block. Show goes for a chokeslam, but Mason Ryan runs up on the apron. The ref tries to keep him out of the ring, and Kane runs over for the assist. The referee gets bumped in the process as Ryan pulls Kane out of the ring. Otunga runs in to help McGillicutty and they get set for a double suplex. CM Punk jumps up on the apron and kicks Big Show in the back of the head! The double team move connects and this match is over!

    Winners & NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty

    Scott Stanford is in the back interviewing Kane & Big Show. Del Rio comes up to laugh at them and throws a punch. As he runs away, he conveniently knocks into the camera guy, which launches us into a shot of Show underneath Del Rio’s car. Ricardo backs up to free Show. Del Rio and his lackey run away. Show is writhing in pain as the medical crew try to assist. It looks as though his leg has been injured as he is being attended to by the medics.

    Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne

    Swagger clubs the back of Bourne, sending him crashing to the mat. He drops a shoulder, and then connects with a belly-to-belly suplex. Pin attempt, but Bourne kicks out. Swagger locks on a rear headlock, but Bourne kicks his way free. Swags tries for his second rope splash, but Bourne moves out of the way. Bourne tries for a high kick, but Swagger counters and tries to turn it into an ankle lock. Bourne rolls through. Bourne goes for a hurricarana, but Swagger converts it into a Powerbomb!

    Winner: Jack Swagger

    After the match, Swagger begins a victory lap. Bourne gets to his feet and kicks him then runs up the ramp smiling.

    In the back, Michael Cole is walking down the hallway. He sees a group of Divas, and extends his hand to Eve Torres. In response, she extends her leg.

    Justin Roberts welcomes out Michael Cole. Cole begins his may I have your attention line, but cuts himself off as the crowd boos. He says that they are right, he doesn’t deserve their attention. He is out here because he never should have made this about himself. He wants to apologize to Lawler, Mathews, Justin Roberts, the timekeeper, and everyone in Portland. He wants to apologize to the entire WWE Universe. His behavior over the past couple of months has been reprehensible, and he just wants to come home. He wants to do commentary with Lawler every night on RAW. No more Cole mines, no more matches. He is begging everyone to please accept his apology. Lawler thanks him for coming out and being professional with his apology. He also offers him some breath mints. Cole says he deserves that. Lawler extends the offer and Cole takes a seat on commentary.

    The Miz’s music hits and he walks down to the ring with Alex Riley. He says that there is only one reason he lost the match last night, Alex Riley. He claims Riley was distracted, which cost him the match. Miz pleads with the anonymous RAW GM for another chance. He wants a one on one match with Cena with Alex Riley banned from ringside. Miz claims that Cena wasn’t in a handicap match last night, HE was. That’s how much of a hindrance Alex Riley was at the PPV. Miz is waiting for a response from the GM.

    General Manager Alert

    "Miz, I heard your request for another Championship match and it is denied. You lost last night, so as far as I am concerned, you are done with John Cena."

    Miz is furious as he tells Riley it is all his fault. If it wasn’t for him, Miz would be Champion. He asks Riley if he has any explanation for himself. Riley says that it isn’t as if he is the one that said I Quit. Miz hits him and asks what he said. But then stops him. Miz says that he gave Riley a personal services contract. Without Miz, Riley wouldn’t even be in the WWE. Miz claims Riley road his coattails to Wrestlemania. He is sick of Riley’s mind numbing stupidity, face, and everything period. Alex Riley is fired! Miz punches Riley, and Riley attacks him right back! Miz gets destroyed as Riley throws him outside the ring and into the barricade. Miz gets tossed over the commentator’s booth, and then slammed into it headfirst. Riley rolls him back into the ring and continues the attack. Riley has him in the corner and says everything he did was for Miz, and then tosses him into the middle of the ring. Riley heads back up the ramp to an ovation of fans chanting his name.

    Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Gail Kim, & Beth Phoenix vs The Bella Twins, Maryse, & Melina

    Kelly and Brie Bella are ready to start things off, but Kharma’s music hits. All the Divas get in the ring and stare at Kharma.

    No Contest

    Kharma enters the ring as all 8 Divas circle her. Instead of attacking, she extends her arms, and falls to the mat crying. She is on her knees crying and talking to herself.

    Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntyre

    Kofi leaps over Drew, but gets caught with a strong punch. Cover attempt, but Kofi kicks out. Drew takes the knee of Kofi and slams it into the steel post. Drew then uses the steel post to apply a modified figure four leg lock! Drew rolls back into the ring and goes for the cover. Kofi kicks out. Kingston tries to get something going with a DDT, and sets up for the Boom Drop. Kofi is still limping as he looks for the Trouble in Paradise. As Kofi tries to spin, he knee gives out and he falls to the mat. Cover, but Kofi kicks out. Drew lifts him up for a Powerbomb. Kofi tries to fight free, but the move connects. Cover, but Kofi kicks out again. Drew backs him into the corner, and goes for a clothesline, but Kofi counters with a pin.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    In the back we see Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero watching the match.

    They run a Mock President Obama press conference about the Capital Punishment PPV.

    In the back, David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty are celebrating with Mason Ryan & CM Punk. Punk congratulates them, and tells them to watch what he is about to do in the ring.

    In the back, Del Rio tells Scott Stanford that Big Show brought this upon himself. But, he says that this isn’t his fault. He says that Ricardo is an idiot.

    Jerry Lawler tells the audience about Randy Savage's passing this past Friday. They show a great tribute video of Randy Savage's career with the fans cheering and chanting Macho Man at the end of the video.

    John Cena & Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk & R-Truth

    Cena and Truth start the match off. Cena immediately throws him to the outside of the ring.

    Back from the break, Punk and Cena are in the ring. Truth gets the tag and whips Cena across the ring into the turnbuckle. Cover attempt, but Cena kicks out. Truth punches him in the face, and goes for another cover. Cena kicks out. Punk is tagged into the match, and slams Cena to the mat. He heads to the second rope and drops an elbow. Punk grabs Cena’s arm and wrenches it to the side. Punk takes him to the corner and brings in R-Truth. Cena is hit with a vertical suplex, and then a cover attempt. Hart seems to count slow, and Truth gets in his face. Cena is whipped into the turnbuckle again, but blocks a splash with his foot. Punk gets the tag, and stops Cena from making one of his own. Cena is dropped with a backbreaker, and then gets set up for a Sharpshooter. Cena tries to counter into an STF, but Punks kicks him off. Punk lifts him up for the GTS, but Cena counters into a DDT!

    Rey Mysterio gets the tag and flies into the ring with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Truth has to run into the ring to break the pin. Cena comes into the ring to help, but Truth is able to fight him off. Rey kicks him into the ropes for the 619, but Punk hits Rey. Punk is then sent into the ropes himself, and this time the 619 connects! Hart punches Punk in the face, and then puts him in the Sharpshooter! Rey Mysterio hits a springboard leg drop, and this match is over.

    Winners: John Cena & Rey Mysterio

    Raw ends with the winners celebrating in the ring.

  • #2
    HORRIBLE. Buried Miz and Punk, and Cole is back to being boring.


    Collecting: Browns/Cavaliers/Indians GU/Autos,
    Ohio State Autos, Jamaal Charles GU/Autos,


    • #3
      Show tonight was ok. A few things I liked and disliked about the show.


      Randy Savage Tribute Video - I am glad they did a video tribute. It was very nicely done. Jerry Lawler said it best, no matter what Randy Savage is a Hall of Famer.

      R-Truth's rant on John Cena - I loved his line about people like John Cena and Bret Hart are a created to cater to the people while wrestlers like R-Truth are held back. Funny how most of the fans were cheering R-Truth when he told this to Cena. I feel that if WWE didnt drop the ball on Elijah Burke/D'Angelo Dinero, that this would be his spot today.

      Michael Cole - They finally dropped the whole stupid Michael Cole angle and he is now back to being a regular tolerant announcer. Thanks goodness.

      Alex Riley - They finally made him snap and attack The Miz. The fans went crazy for him and started chanting his name. At least he goes to Smackdown with some momentum.


      The Miz - Back to back WWE books Miz to be a complete joke. Alex Riley totally destroyed him tonight and made him look like a jobber. They have to move Miz over to Smackdown now to feud with Riley.

      Kharma - WWE totally messed up big time with their stupid segment tonight. After weeks of Kharma destroying all the Divas and the fans cheering her on, they make her break down crying in the ring? So much for the whole angle now. They could have made it really good where all the Divas would get destroyed until it just came down to just Kharma and Beth Phoenix to where Kharma would just leave.

      Alberto Del Rio angle - Main heel from Smackdown goes to Raw to feud with Big Show now? They should have kept him on Smackdown.

      Dolph Ziggler - Another main heel from Smackdown who for 2 weeks in a row now just does backstage segments. They should have kept him on Smackdown.


      • #4
        Little Jimmy > This weeks RAW

