Impact Wrestling Results
June 30th, 2011
In the back Hogan is talking to Scott Steiner and he welcomes Steiner to Immortal as Steiner has joined the group. Steiner shakes his hand and thanks Hogan and says it's time to kick some butt. Hogan stares at a camera where Sting is talking with his back to the camera. Sting laughs and asks Hogan if he's afraid of what's around the next corner. Sting asks Hogan if he remembers when he was a little kid and was afraid of monsters under the bed but then he would look and nothing was there. Sting says that's because that monster was always right here, referring to himself. Sting says the show's getting ready to start and asks if he's nervous, Sting turns around and starts laughing showing off new Joker inspired facepaint and says Hogan should be.
Hulk's music hits and he walks down to the ring. Hogan says that he can't understand how someone so great like Sting could become such a coward. He says Sting is always hiding and he says Sting has a date with him in the future and he'll take care of Sting in his own time, but his day is coming. He says that someone has his day in a few weeks and he needs to talk to him right now, Mr. Anderson. Hogan says if Anderson doesn't get his butt out to the ring then he'll come down and get him.
Mr. Anderson makes his way down to the ring. Hogan sarcastically says he's glad Anderson can take the time out of his busy schedule to grace him with his presence. Hogan says Anderson needs him just as bad as Hogan needs him so he has two choices: 1) either Anderson does something really, really smart in 2 weeks when he faces Sting which is join Immortal and have an army watching his back or 2) he can do what he normally does and walk out to the ring by himself and face the certified lunatic one-on-one. Hogan says if Anderson chooses number 2, he'll not only lose his belt but he will also lose every bit of confidence he had before the match.
Anderson says Hogan thinks he needs to get into business with Immortal to be successful, but he slaps the title belt and says he's already successful. He claims he dominated Sting at Slammiversary and that he won the belt by himself while never breaking a sweat. Hogan says he didn't forget Slammiversary and no one else has either, and if it wasn't for the genius of Eric Bischoff who handed the belt to Anderson on a silver platter then it would have never happened. Hogan says he helped Anderson simply because they cant have the nut job running around as the hood ornament of TNA. Hogan says it's a good move for Anderson to come to Immortal and he claims Anderson owes Immortal. Anderson cuts him off and says he doesn't owe Hogan a damn thing and he doesn't give a damn what Eric claims he did. He says he takes any win any way he can and takes ALL the credit for it. Anderson says he's going to take all the credit two weeks from now too when he beats Sting again.
Something appears on the big screen and it's Sting beating up Immortal with a baseball bat and screaming. Sting says he and Hogan are going to have a little chat tonight and says remember the only thing that's for sure about STING ahhh never mind and walks away. Hogan asks Anderson if he gets it now but then the lights go out!
Sting's music hits and when they come back on Sting is standing in the ring behind Hogan and Anderson with a bat! He nails Hogan in the knee with it and Anderson bails out. Sting swings the bat around wildly while laughing hysterically. Hogan tries to get to his feet but Sting tells him to wait here for a second and then he looks to Anderson and says he looks a little nervous. He thanks Anderson for leaving because he needs this bonding time with Hulk but he's not going to forget about Anderson and 2 weeks. Sting says in 2 weeks it's going to be very special, and so special they're going to call that night, he then turns around and blasts Hogan in the gut with the bat! Sting says that night will be called Midsummer Nightmare. Sting mocks Anderson by repeating Nightmare a 2nd time. Sting looks back at Hogan and says he's trying to get through to Hulk and he'll be the first to admit that he was a Hulk Hogan mark while Hogan screams that Sting broke his ribs. Sting says he can remember being in the crowd with all those red & yellow Hulkamania bandannas flying. Sting says he's just trying to get the real Hulk Hogan to stand up, not Hollywood. Sting says he's tried everything so he's going to try something a little more visual. Hogan used to say train hard, take your vitamins, and say your prayers and he talks about Hogan's pythons. He picks up a bottle of what looks like vitamins and then sits next to Hogan and picks up the vitamins and eats one and then sticks one in Hogan's mouth. Sting asks for a bottle of water and Sting pours it down his throat. Sting then starts shoving pill after pill down Hogan's mouth and screams at him and then he just pours the whole bottle on Hogan. Sting grabs Hogan and then locks in the Scorpion Death Lock! Sting never actually sits back on Hogan and says all he has to do at this point is sit down to end Hogan but if he does we'll never see the REAL Hulk Hogan again. Immortal's music hits and Immortal runs out.
Bully Ray screams at Sting and tells him that it's enough. Ray tells Abyss to make sure Hogan's okay and then he says he's sick and tired of Sting making a mockery of Hogan. Ray says Sting is nothing more than a wannabe and a nobody. Sting laughs at that thought and Ray says Sting isn't that funny and he and Sting's paths have never crossed, but things will come to a head tonight. Ray says if there's one thing that he can't stand it's a bully and someone that runs his mouth and imposes his will on people. Ray says what Sting did to Bischoff last week was deplorable. Ray says tonight it will be Sting vs SCOTT STEINER. Steiner looks surprised by that while Sting just laughs at Immortal. Hogan says to cut the music and he says that was the last time Sting will ever embarrass him. He says before the night's over he'll wipe that smile off Sting's face.
Bound For Glory Series
Samoa Joe vs Devon
Devon and Joe stare each other down and then lockup and Devon gets the advantage with a wristlock. Joe counters into one of his own and then transitions into a headlock and then into a Cravate. He takes Devon down to the mat with the Coquina Clutch early! Devon quickly grabs the ropes however to break the hold. They both get to their feet again and then lockup again and this time Devon forces Joe into the corner and hits him with a series of rights. Devon then attempts to whip Joe into the corner but Joe counters and then bull rushes Devon into the corner and nails him with the Leaping Enziguri! Joe picks Devon up and hits a Snapmare Takeover and then slaps his back and follows with a round kick. Joe follows up with a Knee Drop and then Devon retreats to a corner. Joe nails him with a series of jabs in the corner and then starts running his foot over Devon's face with the Facewash and then he goes for the Running Sliding Kick but Devon catches him with a Spear out of nowhere! Devon follows up by a series of clotheslines and then he attempts to whip Joe into the ropes, but Joe reverses it only to catch a Corkscrew Back Elbow from Devon! Devon follows up with a Rock Bottom! Devon then hits a Diving Headbutt! Devon waits for Joe to get to his feet and then charges at him with a big Corner Splash followed by a Diving Clothesline! 1...2...NO Joe kicks out! Devon follows up with another Running Corner Splash but this time Joe catches him with a back elbow and then a boot. Joe climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Leg Lariat! 1...2...NO Joe stop sand locks him in a Leglock! Devon fights it off and reaches back and grabs the ropes. Joe then picks Devon up and hits an Atomic Drop followed by a Running Front Kick. Joe then grabs Devon and locks in a Keylock Armbar. Devon fights and fights and finally gets his foot on the bottom rope. Joe picks Devon up and eats a series of rights out of nowhere from Devon. Devon hits the ropes but eats a Snap Powerslam from Joe! 1...2...NO Joe lets off again and locks in a Cross Armbreaker! Devon fights again and rolls over and gets his foot on the bottom rope again. Joe looks frustrated now. Joe beats on Devon in the corner now and lifts him up on the top rope and sets up for the Muscle Buster. Joe hesitates and Devon has enough time to recover and fight off the Muscle Buster. Devon then dives off the top but Joe catches him in midair with a Leaping Enziguri! Joe then locks in the Coquina Clutch! Devon counters with an Armdrag followed by a Spinebuster! 1...2...3!
Winner: Devon
Joe can't believe Devon pinned him and looks frustrated after the match.
In the back Pope and Devon's sons are clapping for Devon's win. Pope says his kids have something to be proud of and that he's going to go congratulate his new friend.
We cut to Immortal with Steiner arguing with Ray about putting him in the match with Sting. He tells Ray to give him a little notice before he puts him in a match with Sting. Steiner talks about he and Sting's history together. Ray asks why Steiner needs notice for anything and says he's Big Poppa Pump and he has the largest arms in the world with the shortest fuse. Ray tells Steiner to take care of Sting like he's been taking care of him for the past 15 years. Steiner says he's going to knock Sting out tonight.
Kaz approaches Joe in the back and says Joe is better than this while security holds Joe back. Kaz says maybe if Joe focused a little more on winning then just kicking people's butts he'd get more wins. Kaz says he's not afraid of Joe unlike the other boys and Joe calls out Kaz. Kaz says he didn't call them and says he'll take Joe right now. Joe says Kaz is like AJ and the rest of Fortune. Joe tells Kaz to meet him down the street if he wants to do this. Kaz says that's fine by him!
X-Division Tournament 1st Round 3-Way Dance
Low-Ki vs Matt Bentley vs Jimmy Yang
At the bell all 3 men attack. Yang gets the advantage early and hits Bentley with a Forearm and then whips Low-Ki into the corner. Low-Ki floats up and into a Head Scissors on a charging Yang, but rather than hitting the Takeover he instead lifts his own self HIGH up into the air into a Dropkick on Yang! Bentley catches Low-Ki with a forearm and then he whips Low-Ki into the ropes and goes for clothesline, but Low-Ki ducks and explodes off the ropes with the Back Handspring Cross Body! 1...2...NO Bentley kicks out! Bentley gets to his feet and charges at Low-Ki but Low-Ki leapfrogs him and Bentley goes flying out to the floor! Yang hits Low-Ki with a Roundhouse Kick and then a Spinning Back Kick! Yang does the Elvis pose and picks Low-Ki up. Yang hits Low-Ki with a Forearm and then he whips Low-Ki into the corner. Yang charges with the Spinning Heel Kick in the corner on Low-Ki! Yang climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Cross Body on Low-Ki! 1...2...NO Bentley breaks it up and slaps Yang to the mat by the hair. Bentley puts the boots to both Yang and Low-Ki and then he dumps Yang over the top rope. Yang holds onto the ropes and attempts to skin the cat but Bentley flings Low-Ki into Yang headfirst knocking Yang to the floor! Bentley covers Low-Ki and gets a nearfall. Bentley hits a Snapmare Takeover followed by an Elbow Drop for another nearfall. Bentley immediately grabs Low-Ki and locks in a Rear Chinlock. Low-Ki fights to his feet and breaks the hold with back elbows and then connects with a chop. Low-Ki hits the ropes but as he hits them Bentley cuts him off and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor! Yang back in now as Bentley rolls out to the floor to go after Low-Ki! Low-Ki hits Bentley with a roundhouse kick and then Yang CLEARS the top rope jumping completely over Bentley onto Low-Ki with a Plancha. Back in the ring Yang covers Low-Ki for a nearfall. Yang locks in a Keylock on Low-Ki. Low-Ki fights it off but Yang nails him with some nice Knee Strikes. Yang then whips Low-Ki into the ropes and attempts a clothesline but Low-Ki counters with a Crucifix Rollup! 1...2...NO Yang kicks out! Yang gets to his feet and hits a Spin Kick! 1...2...NO Kick kicks out! Yang charges Low-Ki in the corner but Low-Ki gets his foot up! Low-Ki hits Yang with a series of Roundhouse Kicks and then he attempts to whip Yang into the ropes but Yang reverses it and goes for a backdrop. Low-Ki counters with a Sunset Flip but as he hits the mat he immediately springs to his feet and hits the WARRIOR'S WAY! Bentley goes for a clothesline on Low-Ki but he ducks and hits the TIDAL WAVE! Low-Ki gets fired up and covers Bentley for a nearfall. Low-Ki picks Yang up and whips him into the corner. Low-Ki charges at Yang but Yang sidesteps him and then sweeps his feet and connects with a Flipping Enziguri to the back of Low-Ki's head! 1...2...NO Low-Ki kicks out! Bentley grabs Yang but Yang catches him with a series of forearms. Yang then goes for a Scoop Slam but Bentley blocks it and then sets up for a DDT. Low-Ki charges at Bentley but he ducks and then catches Low-Ki with a back elbow and then grabs Low-Ki with the other arm and hits a combo DDT/Diamond Cutter on Low-Ki & Yang! Bentley catches Low-Ki with the Sweet Shane Music! 1...2...NO Yang breaks it up! All 3 men are down. Yang is the first man up followed by Bentley. Bentley charges Yang but Yang backdrops him over the top. Bentley lands on the apron and nails Yang with a forearm. Bentley climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Cross Body but Yang catches him in midair with a Gutbuster! Yang climbs up top and goes for YANG TIME, but Bentley rolls out of the way! Low-Ki up top now and dives off with the WARRIOR'S WAY! 1...2...3!
Winner: Low-Ki
In the back Madison Rayne talks up her match with Tara for July 14th. Madison says she's going to remind Tara of WHY she's back in TNA in 2 weeks but she'll start tonight. Winter & Angelina walk in and Angelina speaks for the first time telling Madison to shut up. Madison walks away and Winter says tonight she will make Mickie James squeal like a mouse. She says she should be Knockouts Champion and at Hardcore Justice she WILL be. Angelina says everyone questions she and Winter's relationship and says it's not synthetic anymore. Angelina says Winter appreciates her which none of the Knockouts do. She says some of the Knockouts in TNA need to be put in their place. Angelina says things will start with Mickie but won't end with her.
Joe approaches Kaz in a pool hall and Kaz talks trash as Joe walks in. Joe walks up to Kaz and breaks a bottle on his face! Joe grabs Kaz and slams him into a bar and continues to stomp him out and then he starts hitting him with a pool stick. Joe puts Kaz through a nearby table! Joe talks trash to him the whole time. Some people try to pull Joe off but he shoves them away and screams THIS IS MY WORLD at Kaz.
In the back Hogan is taping his hands and he says he has to thank Stinger for snapping him out of it and he didn't forget who Hulk Hogan was he forget how to ACT like Hulk Hogan. He says Sting has humiliated him for the last time and he doesn't get Sting's game or why he wants to play this way, but as of now it stops! Hogan says he'll show Sting what it's like to get hurt in his world.
6-Knockouts Elimination Match
Winter, Angelina Love, & Madison Rayne vs Mickie James, Miss Tessmacher, & Tara
Mickie and Winter are going to start things off here. Winter starts to leave the ring but Mickie grabs her by the hair and slams her to the mat! Mickie then hits a Lou Thesz Press and punches Winter repeatedly. Mickie pulls off Winter's belt and starts to hit her with it but Winter rolls out of the ring as the referee takes the belt from Mickie. Angelina then attacks Mickie as she turns around and connects with a Jawbreaker. Mickie slides out of the ring and Tessmacher replaces her and jumps Angelina! Tessmacher nails Angelina with forearms and slaps. She then whips Angelina into the ropes but Angelina grabs her by the hair and slams her to the mat. Angelina slams Tessmacher into the corner and puts the boots to her and Winter returns and puts the boots to Tessmacher. She hits a Snapmare and then locks in a Chinlock. Winter whips Tessmacher into the corner. Winter charges at Tessmacher but she sidesteps her and puts the boots to Winter. Tessmacher then hits a Running Attack and then repeatedly slams into Winter's face. Angelina tries to hit Tessmacher but she blocks it and knocks Angelina off the apron. Tessmacher then turns around right into a Northern Lights Suplex! 1...2...3
Miss Tessmacher has been eliminated.
Tara comes in now and slaps Winter repeatedly. Tara hits Winter with a clothesline and then a Scoop Slam. Tara follows up with the Standing Moonsault! 1...2...NO Winter kicks out! Tara picks Winter up but she shoves Tara into the corner. Winter then charges at her but Tara uses the corner to lift herself up and hook the arms of the charging Winter in a Tarantula! Madison runs in and breaks it with a sliding dropkick. Winter then beats on Tara and lifts her up on her shoulders. Angelina comes in and hits the Botox Injection on Tara as Winter dropped down into a Samoan Drop! Winter starts to cover Tara but Madison stops her and dumps her on the floor and then pins Tara to eliminate her!
Tara has been eliminated.
Mickie is on her own now but Winter & Angelina didn't like what Madison just did. Mickie nails Madison with the Mick Kick! 1...2...3 and neither Angelina or Winter help Madison.
Madison Rayne has been eliminated.
Mickie quickly gets to her feet and Spears Winter! Angelina stops Mickie and she and Winter double team Mickie for several minutes. They take turns stomping on Mickie and then Winter lifts Mickie up onto her shoulders and they set up for that Botox Injection/Samoan Drop, but as Angelina went for the kick Mickie was able to counter Winter into a rollup! 1...2...NO Angelina breaks it up! Angelina picks Mickie up and goes for her new finish but Mickie blocks it and goes for the Mickie-DT but Winter cuts her off. Angelina then picks Mickie up and hits her Reverse DDT Backstabber. Winter tells Angelina not to pin her and that she wants to do it. She tells Angelina that it's her turn now. They seem to be arguing over the pin and Angelina teases maybe hitting Winter but instead turns around and charges at Mickie who was pulling herself up in the corner. Mickie catches Angelina with a back elbow and then she punches Winter. Mickie hits the Mickiecanrana on Winter out of the corner! She then ducks a clothesline from Angelina and hits a Hangman's Neckbreaker! 1...2...3!
Angelina Love has been eliminated.
Winter immediately runs over and rolls Mickie up! 1...2...NO Mickie kicks out! Winter then attempts to whip Mickie into the corner but Mickie blocks it and hits the Mickie-DT! 1...2...3!
Winner: Mickie James
Winter screams at Angelina as Mickie celebrates her win on the ramp.
In the back Gunner talks about the BFG Series and he says that tonight he and AJ get in the ring again and his gameplan tonight is to prove to AJ and everyone that he is the man. He says tonight Gunner will be the better man and he wants to prove he can be the World Champion. Gunner says there's no stopping him and AJ is looking at a man that wants it all.
Kendrick says Abyss has been corrupted by Bischoff & Hogan. Abyss says he's going to rip Kendrick's heart out at Destination X and then the X-Division will be dead.
In the ring Jeremy Borash is standing at a table and he announces right now we will have the official contract signing for the Main Event at Destination X, AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels. AJ hesitates before signing the contract and asks Daniels if he's absolutely sure if he wants to do this. Daniels looks at AJ and then grabs the contract and signs it. Daniels tells AJ that's how sure he is. Daniels says it's not personal and AJ says that's what he's worried about, it becoming personal. Daniels says it's not about either one of them, it's about the X-Division that they helped build 9 years ago and help taking it to the next level. Daniels says Destination X is celebrating the X-Division and there is no better match to do that than Daniels vs AJ in the Main Event. Daniels says win, lose, or draw after the match he will stand up and shake the hand of his best friend. AJ signs the contract and they shake hands and hug. Before anything else can be said JERRY LYNN'S music hits and AJ & Daniels look surprised!
Lynn comes down to the ring and says that he's sorry to interrupt them and it's not like him to do it, but he has to get something off his chest. He says it was 4 years that he left TNA but he didn't retire. He said he still watches and if he has to hear anyone else arguing over who built the X-Division he will puke. Lynn says it's not about who built it because it was a group effort and it was about giving the fans something special. Lynn says the X-Division is about the WRESTLING but before he can say anything else RVD's music hits!
RVD comes down to the ring as the 3 look on. RVD mocks crying as he comes down to the ring. He says they have him all choked up listening to them and says it looks like they're trying to sell the PPV with who created the X-Division style, and the way he sees it he's the only man in the ring that had the leverage to change standards. RVD says he IS the Whole F'N Show and while AJ was dreaming of being a Pro Wrestler he was already being called a pioneer. RVD says the X-Division is about trying to be RVD and he was X-Division before there was an X-Division. Lynn says RVD forgets who stood toe-to-toe with RVD for an entire year and who the fans nicknamed THE NEW F'N SHOW. Daniels says RVD doesn't mean anything and he's just being himself, arrogant. Daniels says that maybe they're all taking credit for creating a style that was there long before them but he says they damn sure perfected it. Daniels says at Destination X if the two big matches are RVD-Lynn and AJ-Daniels then that may end up being the greatest PPV of all time! Daniels says looking at all the talent in the ring right now it makes him sad that they can't have a match...but then says there is still one more week before Destination X and suggests they have a little preview for Destination X. Daniels suggests a Four Corners Match next week, Daniels vs AJ vs RVD vs Lynn! RVD says he's in and drops the mic. AJ says agrees with the fans and agrees to it. Lynn shakes their hands and then stares at RVD and finally shakes his hand. RVD pulls him into his face and they stare at each other. AJ is slapping hands with fans at ringside Gunner attacks him! Gunner slams AJ into the guardrail as referee's run out to try and stop Gunner. Gunner tosses AJ back in the ring and tosses the table out of the ring. Apparently he wants this match now! AJ turns the tide on Gunner and hits him with a series of right hands sending Gunner reeling out to the floor. Earl Hebner tries to chill AJ. He tells Earl to ring the bell and he obliges!
Bound For Glory Series
AJ Styles vs Gunner
AJ slides out to the floor but Gunner runs away and slides back in the ring, but AJ did at the same time as well and his quickness gives him the advantage and he kicks Gunner as he slides into the ring. AJ hits Gunner with right hands and kicks and then he slams him into the corner. AJ whips Gunner into the opposite corner and charges with a Flying Clothesline in the corner! AJ headbutts Gunner in the corner and then Gunner answers with a shot to the ribs and a Forearm. Gunner attempts to whip AJ into the corner but AJ reverses it. AJ charges at Gunner and Gunner gets his foot up but AJ catches it and punches Gunner in the head. AJ hits a Snapmare Takeover and then kicks Gunner in the back. AJ follows up with a Knee Drop and then hits a Back Suplex! AJ picks Gunner up but Gunner comes back with body shots. AJ then runs Gunner into the corner and attempts to whip him into the corner, but he reverses it. AJ then floats up and over the charging Gunner. AJ then charges at Gunner but eats a Flying Knee Strike! 1...2...NO Gunner kicks out! Gunner picks AJ up and goes for a Powerbomb but AJ blocks it and connects with the Pele! Gunner falls through the ropes and holds onto them before falling to the floor so AJ hits a Sliding Dropkick through the ropes sending Gunner out! AJ then follows up with a Somersault Plancha. AJ hits Gunner with several right hands and then tosses him back in the ring and goes after him in the corner, but Gunner pokes him in the eyes and clotheslines him. Gunner picks AJ up for the F5 but AJ blocks it and hits a Leaping Enziguri! AJ hits a Front Slam and then goes out to the apron. AJ sets up for the Springboard Flying Forearm but Gunner pulls the referee in front of him. AJ was able to catch himself before he sprang to the top. Gunner tosses Earl to the side and then kicks the ropes, virtually low blowing AJ, as he was climbing back into the ring! Gunner then hits the F5! 1...2...3!
Winner: Gunner
Backstage Velvet says people think the beef between her and ODB is just starting, but the truth is she's had to deal with being pushed around and bullied her whole life. Velvet says when she was a kid she was always the runt of the litter and people always thought they could walk all over her. Velvet says ODB & Jackie can prey on her because of her back history and they think she's weak, but she's not as weak as she once was. Velvet says everyone knows her back story and next week's match is important to her. Next week she's facing ODB & Jackie in a Handicap Match with the stipulation that if she wins then ODB & Jackie are no longer allowed back in TNA. Velvet says she can only hope ODB & Jackie will live up to that agreement after she beats them. Velvet says she's done being pushed over and bullied.
Mexican America makes their way down to the ring. Hernandez calls himself El Presidente of Mexican America and demands answers to some questions they have. He hands the mic to Anarquia and he says all the stupid Americans have pissed off the Presidente of Mexican America. He says they all accuse Mexican America of being liars and being cheaters and criminals. Anarquia says they're not criminals at all and he asks why they aren't in the BFG Series but those no goods Beer Money are in it. He says they are the best tag team in TNA and they've beat them all. He says from here on out Mexican America is going to reek havoc on the Impact Zone because for them nothing is impossible while pointing to Hernandez's tattoo on his biceps that reads that in Spanish.
The British Invasion's music hits and they way down to the ring. Magnus says he doesn't know if Anarquia knows it or not but they're foreigners in the U.S., but the difference is they're proud of where they're from but they're also proud of the fact that they earn their living in America. Magnus says they're not going to kiss anyones butt or ask them to like them but they don't like people who come to another country and expect them to hand everything to them without earning it. Magnus says Mexican America has not earned it and they claim to have beaten everyone but they've never beaten British Invasion. Magnus says if they think they will then they're dead wrong. He says they conduct their business like men and he'll look Hernandez in his beaty little eyes and he wants Mexican America vs The Brits so they can find out who the REAL #1 contenders to the belts are! Magnus tells them to be men and step up and leave the girls at home. Rosita spits in Magnus' face and then slaps him! Mexican America attacks The Brits and Hernandez hits Magnus with a big Shoulder Block! Anarquia tosses Williams to Hernandez who sets up for the Border Toss, but Rob Terry comes from out of nowhere and runs Mexican America off!
We cut to a video message from Jeff Jarrett in Mexico City. Jarrett and Karen say they've bounced back and Jarrett is riding high once again. Jarrett is standing at the Angel of Independence and he says when they have something to celebrate they come to it. Jarrett says when he comes back to TNA he will bring something special back and he has something truly special to celebrate.
In the back Ray congratulates Gunner on his win and he says Steiner is going to take apart Sting. Ray says they might as well hand Gunner the belt with the roll he's on. He tells Gunner to take the night off and then tells Abyss to come with him to have Steiner's back. He has a towel over his head and he gets up but can't find his mask. Gunner says he hasn't seen it and then Abyss slams the door and screams where's it at?