Impact Wrestling Results - 7/21/11
July 21st, 2011
Sting's music hits and the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the ring. Sting holds up the belt and says he's on top of the world again. Sting says the Stinger's back on track again and he has something Hogan & Bischoff wants. Sting says game on in regards to Immortal and he says this is the part of the promo where he's supposed to talk about how they can do things the easy way or the hard way, but there's no sense in going that route since we all know they'll do things HIS way. Sting says eventually Hogan will come to his senses. Sting says he's insane and there's something exhilarating about being insane. Sting says he would like to start tonight's business by conducting an interview with Hogan and Bischoff but Kurt Angle comes out instead in the clown mask.
He takes the mask off and then walks down to the ring. Angle says he means no disrespect to Sting because he IS the World Champion, but he heard a lot of I's in that speech he just gave. Angle says it was ANGLE that came to Sting's aid when Ray & Anderson was beating him down. Angle says he did it because it was the right thing to do and he's all about doing the right thing, but they have a dilemma right now. Angle says while Sting is trying to save this company for Dixie Carter he's run into a speed bump and that speed bump is Kurt Angle. Angle says he's the #1 contender and at Hardcore Justice their paths will cross once again. Sting says he respects Kurt too but he's doing what he has to do. Angle says if Sting wants to play those games then he can do that. Angle says he takes pride in being the best and he says he and Sting are legends in wrestling. Angle says only one can walk out at Hardcore Justice the better man and it HAS to be Angle because he's given himself no other choice. Sting says then it is a fact they have themselves a dilemma. Immortal's music interrupts them and Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson walk onto the stage.
Ray says they a hive a big dilemma on their hands because in the next 2 hours Angle & Sting will have to learn how to work with each other because tonight it's Sting & Anderson vs Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson! Ray asks Kurt if he thinks he likes it when Kurt hits him with a bat and then says he worked real hard on those abs. He says tonight he'll hit Angle with the kitchen sink straight out of New York City. Anderson calls Sting goofy and says Sting didn't beat him because if it wasn't for his buddy they wouldn't even be having this discussion. Anderson says if Sting thinks for one second that he clawed and scratched and fought his way to the top for things to go down the way they did then he's sadly mistaken. Anderson says that before Sting and Angle have to worry about Hogan or Bischoff or about giving Dixie her company about, he needs to deal with Anderson and he needs to deal with him TONIGHT.
Bound For Glory Series
Rob Van Dam vs Scott Steiner
Steiner attacks RVD as he enters the ring and tosses him into the turnbuckles. Steiner whips RVD into the ropes and connects with a Back Elbow and then follows up by putting the boots to RVD. Steiner picks RVD up and hits an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex. 1...2...NO RVD kicks out! Steiner chokes RVD on the middle rope and then hangs RVD upside down in the corner and chokes him with his boot. Steiner then puts the boots to RVD as he falls to the mat. Steiner slams RVD into the turnbuckles and then hits him with chops and punches. Steiner hits a Snapmare Takeover and then kicks RVD in the chest and locks in a modified Bow & Arrow stretch and then he slams RVD into the corner again. Steiner hits a chop in the corner and then whips RVD into the opposite corner, but RVD floats up and over the charging Steiner and connects with a Superkick! Both men are down now! Both men get up and RVD connects with right hands but Steiner cuts him off with a knee to the gut. Steiner attempts to slam RVD into the corner again but this time RVD blocks it with his foot and kicks Steiner in the face with the same foot. RVD leaps to the top and dives off with a Diving Liger Kick! Steiner rolls out to the floor and RVD hits a sliding dropkick sending Steiner into the guardrail. RVD slams him into it again and then drapes Steiner over the guardrail and leaps off the apron with the Corkscrew Guillotine Leg Drop! RVD tosses Steiner back in the ring and Steiner begs for a timeout but eats a series of forearms. RVD whips Steiner into the corner and charges but Steiner gets a boot up. Steiner hits a Belly-to-Belly Suplex and gets a nearfall. Steiner whips RVD into the corner and charges but eats a Spinning Heel Kick in mid move! RVD follows up with Rolling Thunder! 1...2...NO Steiner kicks out! Steiner comes back with a body shot and a kick to the gut. Steiner lifts RVD up onto the top rope and then hits the Hanging Steiner Flatliner off the top! 1...2...NO RVD gets his foot on the bottom rope! Steiner measures RVD as he tries to get to his feet and nails him with the Steinerline! Steiner then drops the Elbow and covers RVD! 1...NO Steiner stops and taunts RVD with pushups. Steiner argues with the referee and RVD catches him with a rollup out of nowhere! 1...2...3!
Winner: Rob Van Dam
After the match Steiner attacks RVD stopping his celebration.
TNA Knockouts Champion Mickie James makes her way down to the ring. Tonight Mickie will defend her title against Velvet Sky. Mickie asks Velvet to come down to the ring because she has something to say to her. Mickie says for the past few months she's sat back and watched Velvet and she's watched people take their frustrations and insecurities out on Velvet time and time again. Mickie says she's watched people blame Velvet for their own downfalls and that's not right. She says she knows how that feels and it's not good so that's why she's not only honored but privileged to give Velvet her first Knockouts Title Match tonight. They hug and Velvet thanks her. Mickie says it's not because Velvet kissed anyone's butt but it's because she's earned it and deserved it. Mickie says tonight they'll tear the roof off the Impact Zone and they'll show everyone watching around the world why they have the best women's division in the world. She says when she walks down the ramp tonight she walks down as Knockouts Champion and when she walks out she plans walking back up champion and the two shake hands.
Winter's music hits and she and Angelina Love walk out. Angelina says isn't this special and she tells them not to forget why they all came to TNA in the first place, and that's because they wanted to compete against each other. She says judging by what she sees in the ring, they should just hold hands rather than wrestle. Angelina says she realizes it took her awhile to understand what Winter was trying to tell her and show her, but now she gets it. Angelina reminds them that she's a 5-time Knockouts Champion and she says she realizes there is one similar personality trait between all the Knockouts in the locker room and that is total disrespect for her. Angelina says she has proven herself as the best but she has never been given her dues, and Winter has helped her realize that it is all due to jealousy. Angelina says none of the Knockouts want to compete against her because she's on a level all on her own. Angelina says they can continue to put each other over but it doesn't matter who wins tonight, because that title is coming straight back to her.
Winter says she and Angelina work as a team, a real team, and that bond is forever. She says it doesn't matter if she has to beat Velvet or Little Miss Hardcore Nothing Mickie the Mouse because at Hardcore Justice when she takes the Knockouts Title it will belong to both of them, and no one else will ever take the belt from them again. Winter tells them to enjoy their beautiful moment because night is about to fall.
In the back Tara and Miss Tessmacher are walking when Rosita & Sarita attack them!
Back from commercials the brawl between Sarita & Rosita beating down Tara & Miss Tessmacher continues! Tara and Tessmacher make a comeback but then Madison Rayne jumps Tara allowing Sarita & Rosita to double team Tessmacher!
Samoa Joe says tonight he turns his struggles around in the Ladder Match and he's getting his 10 points. Matt Morgan says he doesn't care who he's in the match with because he's getting his 10 points because it means moving ahead and headlining Bound For Glory. Gunner says he's on the fast track to the World Title and he calls AJ a clown. Gunner says he'll get his 10 points tonight and will headline Bound For Glory. AJ says those 10 points will be in his pocket and he'll be Bound for Glory. Daniels walks in and asks if they can talk but asks the cameras to leave. The camera stays outside the door and Daniels says something about the match and AJ gets frustrated and slams the door on the camera.
Back from commercials they air footage that a fan took outside the parking lot last week of Tessmacher & Tara brawling with Sarita & Rosita. They say that Sarita suffered a broken jaw and a broken orbital socket in the fight which is why she's wearing the mask for protection.
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship
Sarita & Rosita vs Tara & Miss Tessmacher
Tara & Tessmacher hide at either side of the entrance tunnel and attack Sarita & Rosita as they make their entrance! Tara tosses Rosita into the ring and puts the boots to her. Tessmacher drags Sarita in the ring as well. Rosita comes back with a Jawbreaker on Tara as Tara talks trash to her. Sarita knocks Tessmacher down as well. Rosita chokes Tara and then she and Sarita kick Tara through the ropes to the floor! Tessmacher hits a Double Clothesline on both of them. Sarita takes Tessmacher down and Rosita chokes her. Rosita tosses Tessmacher into the heel corner and tags in Sarita. They both put the boots to her and tags Rosita back in. Rosita slams Tessmacher's face into the mat and then both continue to beat on her. Sarita hits a sliding dropkick through the ropes onto Tara! Rosita whips Tessmacher into the corner and charges but Tessmacher floats up and over and connects with a clothesline. Tessmacher goes for a tag but Sarita knocks her off the apron. Tara comes back in and goes after Sarita while Rosita continues to beat on Tessmacher. Rosita tosses Tessmacher back into the heel corner and tags Sarita in. They whip Tessmacher into the ropes and connect with a Double Flapjack and then Sarita covers her for a nearfall. Sarita pulls Tessmacher up by the hair before the 3 count. Tara runs in and takes both Sarita & Rosita out and drags Tessmacher to the face corner. She tags in and clotheslines both Sarita & Rosita and then goes for the Widow's Peak on Sarita while Rosita & Tessmacher brawl in the corner! Hebner tries to break them up and Madison Rayne comes from out of nowhere and shoves Tara over allowing Sarita to roll her up! 1...2...NO Tara kicks out! Sarita tries to whip Tessmacher into Tara while Rosita held her, but Tara moves out of the way and Tessmacher slams into Rosita! Tessmacher then hits a Bulldog out of the corner on Sarita using the ropes to spring off! Tara hits the Spider's Web on Rosita! Now Tessmacher tosses Sarita to Tara who hits the Black Widow! 1...2...3! Tessmacher kept Rosita down by rolling her up with an inside cradle.
Winners & NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Tara & Miss Tessmacher
The Ladder Match is up next.
Bound For Glory Series Ladder Match
AJ Styles vs Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe vs Gunner
AJ and Gunner brawl on the outside while Joe and Morgan go at it on the inside. Gunner tosses AJ into the guardrail while Joe hits Morgan with jabs and headbutts. Joe beats down Morgan in the corner and Gunner grabs a ladder for the first time. Gunner goes to put in the ring but AJ stops him and tries to slam his head into the ladder, but Gunner blocks it and then slams AJ into it! Morgan attempts to whip Joe into the ropes but Joe hits a Sliding Dropkick sending the ladder into Gunner's face in a nice spot! Joe picks Gunner up and continues to beat on him. Both Joe & Morgan then grab the ladder and play tug of war but then Joe sees Gunner walking up and slams it into Gunner's face! Morgan then pulls Joe into him by pulling the ladder and clotheslines him! Morgan picks up the ladder and slides it into the ring and then climbs in. AJ gets to his feet and as Morgan goes to pick the ladder up in the ring and look up at the contract hanging above, AJ slingshots himself into the ring and stops onto the ladder slamming down onto Morgan's fingers. AJ then hits Morgan with a big right hand but Morgan doesn't fall. AJ hits the ropes and goes for another one but Morgan grabs him by the throat! Morgan goes for a Chokeslam but AJ counters by backflipping onto his feet and then hitting a leg kick followed by a Leaping Enziguri! AJ picks up the ladder but Gunner cuts him off and hits a Slingshot Suplex off the ropes! Gunner picks up the ladder now and slams it into Morgan and then slams it into Joe as Joe slid into the ring! Gunner tries to set up the ladder but AJ shoves him and then tosses Gunner out to the floor. AJ picks up the ladder but Morgan kicks him in the back. Morgan headbutts AJ and then notices that the ladder landing on the top rope and then tosses AJ into it, but AJ walks up the ladder and then springs off it into a Flying Cross Body! Morgan catches him in midair and hits a Fall Away Slam! Joe then catches Morgan with a Back Splash Senton just as Morgan landed on the mat! Joe picks up the ladder and sets it up in the center of the ring but Gunner attacks him from behind! Gunner whips Joe into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Joe ducks and hits an Elbow Suicida onto Morgan on the floor! Gunner starts to climb up the ladder but AJ springboards onto the ladder! AJ hits Gunner with right hands knocking him off and then he reaches up for the contract but Joe shoves the ladder over! AJ lands on his feet and then ducks a clothesline from Joe and hits the Pele! AJ starts to set the ladder up again but then notices Joe getting up in the corner and charges at him! Joe catches AJ in midair with the Standing Rock Bottom! Gunner hits a Running Knee Strike on Joe sending him out to the floor! Gunner sets the ladder back up but eats the Carbon Footprint from Morgan! Morgan climbs up the ladder and pulls down the bonus points!
Winner: Matt Morgan
Back from commercials Eric Young is on his way to Hollywood and his roadster broke down. He says Tom Cruise's witchcraft can't save him. Young walks into a convention store and sees a guy standing in there with some shades on and he says it's his first opponent, Cee-Lo Green of The Voice. It's actually D-Lo Brown and he approaches him and calls him Cee-Lo. D-Lo says no, D-Lo, you know me. Young says they all have aliases and if he wants a shot at the belt all he has to do is ask. D-Lo tells him to calm down and reminds him he's an agent and this is not a road he wants to go down. D-Lo says he's going back to work and starts to walk away but Young rolls him up and counts 3. D-Lo gets pissed off and chases Young around the store and then out it. D-Lo says that punk better recognize who the heck I am and then does the D-Lo head snap.
TNA X-Division Championship
Brian Kendrick vs Alex Shelley
Kendrick and Shelley shake hands before the match and then Kendrick hits Shelley with leg kicks and goes for a dropkick, but Shelley sidesteps it and then hooks Kendrick's arms with his legs in a kind of Leg Scissors Full Nelson rollup for a nearfall. Kendrick comes back with forearms and strikes but Shelley blocks one and then counters into a Hammerlock into a Small Package! 1...2...NO Kendrick kicks out! Kendrick and Shelley lockup and Shelley gets him in a Waistlock and then he transitions into a hammerlock and then he hooks one of Kendrick's legs and arm with his own leg and rolls him up with ANOTHER rollup! 1...2...NO Kendrick kicks out again! Kendrick charges but eats a knee and Shelley chops away at Kendrick. Kendrick with a wild swing but Shelley catches his arm and arm drags him! Shelley then charges at Kendrick but eats a Back Heel Kick! Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread but Shelley blocks it and hits a Backkick. Shelley goes for Sliced Bread himself! Kendrick blocks it and shoves Shelley into the corner. Kendrick charges at Shelley in the corner but Shelley catches him and looks to be setting up for his Flatliner into the turnbuckles but Kendrick blocks it and breaks the hold with back elbows. Kendrick then charges at him but Shelley hits a Droptoe Hold and then he slams his knee into Kendrick's knee and he sits on his back. Shelley then locks Kendrick's legs in a Death Lock and then he places both of his knees on Kendrick's back and rolls backwards into a modified Bow & Arrow/Death Lock! Kendrick counters into a pin and gets a nearfall. Shelley gets to his feet and charges at Kendrick but Kendrick leaps over him causing Shelley to slide out to the floor. Shelley lands on his feet and Kendrick goes to dive but Shelley catches him in midair with a Leaping Enziguri! Shelley climbs up top and dives off with the Flying Cross Body! 1...2...NO Kendrick kicks out and Shelley covers him again for another nearfall and Shelley again covers Kendrick and again gets a nearfall. Shelley climbs back up top and dives off again but eats a dropkick in midair from Kendrick this time! Both men fight to their feet and trade forearms in the center of the ring! Shelley hits the ropes but eats a Front Kick from Kendrick! Shelley staggers back and hits the ropes again and this time he eats a Back Heel Kick! Shelley falls through the ropes to the floor! Kendrick then dives out with a Top Suicida onto Shelley on the floor! Back in the ring Kendrick climbs up and dives with the Frog Splash, but Shelley gets his knees up! Kendrick rolls to the apron and Shelley rolls out with him and hits a Sliced Bread on Kendrick on the apron! Shelley rolls Kendrick back into the ring and then starts to climb back in but someone runs out and hits Shelley with the title belt from out of nowhere! It's Austin Aries! Aries hides under the ring and Kendrick covers Shelley! 1...2...3!
Winner: Brian Kendrick
After the match Kendrick is wondering what happened while Aries laughs at ringside. Kendrick never saw the shot with the belt. Kendrick helps Shelley up but still isn't sure what happened.
In the back Kendrick is told what happened and he says he didn't see it. He's pissed off and Hervey says you say no limits, he says no rules. Kendrick says the X-Division isn't about high flying but it's about great wrestling, and he mentions Doug Williams being a great technical wrestler. He says this is exactly what he's been working against.
Mexican America make their way down to the ring. Anarquia talks about Tessmacher & Tara injuring Sarita's face and then say they cheated to win the belts. Anarquia asks where their flag is and he says that's another thing that pisses them off. Anarquia says when they get pissed off they start kicking butts. He says they ain't worried about any Europeans, there's only two guys they want to deal with right now and they know exactly who they are. He tells them to get out to the ring right now.
Beer Money come down to the ring and Anarquia says he's glad they had the balls to come down and face them. Storm tells him to shutup and then he tells them to do everyone a favor and leave the ring and the company and go find something they're good at like cutting grass. Storm tells Anarquia he's going to sit there for once and shutup and listen because if he doesn't he'll shove his boot down his throat. Storm says ever since he and Bobby have been competing in the Bound For Glory Series it seems like people have forgotten about Beer Money so they decided to come out and reintroduce themselves to Mexican America. Storm says they've beaten the best of the best and the difference between the teams they've beaten and MA, they won't just beat MA they're going to kick their butts. Storm says they'll do it for all the people and all the great luchadores that came before MA like the Guerreros and all the other Hispanic people they disgrace. Storm says they need to go home and get their little Spanish calendar and mark August 7th because that's when they get their shot at the belts at Hardcore Justice, but put a little star next to August 8th because that morning they'll wake up and find their Green Cards stuck up their rear ends.
As Mickie makes her entrance Angelina & Winter attack Mickie! Velvet runs out and attacks Winter & Angelina to even up the odds! Mickie and Velvet both spear Winter & Angelina in the ring. ODB & Jackie come from the crowd and attack Mickie & Velvet! Angelina looks surprised. ODB and Jackie throw Mickie to the floor and then beat Velvet. Angelina & Winter watch as they beat down Velvet. TRACI BROOKS runs down and gets between them and Velvet. Mickie comes back in and the babyfaces chase ODB & Jackie off! The fight spills out to the floor! Referees run down to separate them. Security finally runs down and Jackie beats a few of them. She slams one into the steel steps. ODB and Jackie keep knocking out security as they run down, ODB kicks several of them. Finally cops come down and handcuff Jackie & ODB and drag them off.
In the back Velvet thanks Traci for having her back. Traci says she's back because she's pissed off watching Jackie & ODB do what they've done and she knew they wouldn't keep their word and would come back. She says contract or no contract she's the original Knockout so as long as they're staying, she's staying.
Sting & Kurt Angle vs Mr. Anderson & Bully Ray
Ray attacks Sting at the bell and knocks Angle off the apron. Ray slams Sting into the corner and then slams him into Anderson's boot. Anderson tags in and then puts the boots to Sting. Anderson distracts the referee while Ray chokes Sting and then Anderson chokes Sting as well. Anderson hits Sting with a forearm and then whips him into the ropes and connects with a Back Elbow. Anderson gets a nearfall and then tags in Ray. He holds Sting as Ray hits Sting with a right hand followed by a Scoop Slam for a nearfall of his own. He gets another nearfall and then he hits an Elbow Drop and gets another nearfall. Ray puts Sting in a chinlock and then tags Anderson back in. Ray knocks Angle off the apron and then Anderson starts working on Sting's leg again this week. Anderson stomps Sting in the midsection and gets a nearfall. Anderson mocks Sting and holds his hand out to Angle and then drags him to the heel corner and tags Ray in. Ray hits a Double Axe Handle and hits another Scoop Slam. Ray climbs up top and dives off with a Cannonball but Sting rolls out of the way! Sting dives and tags in Angle and Anderson tags in as well! Angle hits a German Suplex on Anderson and then another one and then a 3rd! Angle then hits a German Suplex on Ray! Angle measures Anderson and goes for the Angle Slam but Ray chop blocks him! Sting comes in and goes after Ray! Sting tosses Ray over the top to the floor and then hits the Stinger Splash on Anderson! Angle Slam on Anderson! 1...2...3!
Winners: Sting & Kurt Angle
After the match Angle offers a handshake to Sting and he accepts. He then pulls Sting in close and Sting says have I gone too far or not far enough.