10-11 Panini Totally Certified Basketball
$20 Per 5 Card Pack
6 Packs Per Box
12 Boxes Per Case
Box Break
30 Cards Including:
• 6 Autographs or Memorabilia Cards (at least 2 Autographs #/d 599 or less)
• 2 Mirror Reds (#/d 499)
• 4 Other Inserts (#/d 499 or less)
Case Break
Each case includes one or more of the following:
• An Autograph from Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryant, Blake Griffin, or John Wall, a 1 of 1 card, or an Autograph #/d 5 or less
• 185 card base set includes 150 Commons and 35 Rookies (#/d 599)
• All Rookies feature on card autographs
• Look for Totally Red Autographs (#/d 99), Totally Gold Autographs (#/d 25), Totally Green Autographs (#/d 5), and Totally Black Autographs (#/d 1)
• Find Totally Certified Fabric of the Game Jumbo Jersey Prime oversized swatch cards (#/d 25), and Totally Certified Fabric of the Game Jumbo Team Prime cards (#/d 25)
• Also look for these Memorabilia Cards: Totally Red, Totally Blue, Totally Gold (#/d 25), Totally Green (#/d 5), and Totally Black (#/d 1)
• More than 525 1 of 1 cards!
• Find Panini HRX Video Trading Cards!
Introducing Panini HRX - the industry's first video trading card!
• More than 200 Panini HRX video cards will be available via redemption in packs of 10-11 Totally Certified BK!
• 50 Kobe Bryant cards (10 Autographed!)
• 50 Blake Griffin cards (10 Autographed!)
• 50 Kevin Durant cards (10 Autographed!)
• 50 John Wall cards (10 Autographed!)
• Also find 1 of 1 Gold Autographed HRX cards - one for each of the four Panini Exclusive Players!
Certified is back, but is Totally redesigned in comparison to last year's offering.
What We Pulled
Base Cards
The base design should immediately remind you of the Metal products of the mid 1990s. A player image is superimposed to a silver and metallic, nearly refractor like surface. A triangular shape is placed right behind the player. The player's name and team name appear in a black box at the bottom of the card. The back of the card shows complete stats from the recent 10-11 NBA season, along with a little biography about the player. These cards look great, they are the type you need to see in person to appreciate. All the base cards are each serial numbered to 1849 copies. Out of our box, we were able to pull 17 out of 150 base cards, including one duplicate. The base set might be out of reach unless you buy a case or trade heavily.
Parallel Cards
The parallels are where the product shines. Remember those highly sought after Precious Metal Gems of the mid 1990s? These cards borrow quite a few elements from those rarities. Not much different from the base, except for the silver background being changed to a different color, and the corresponding parallel name being placed in the upper right corner of the card. There are five different levels of parallels: Totally Red (#/d 499), Totally Blue (#/d 299), Totally Gold (#/d 25), Totally Green (#/d 5), and Totally Black (#/d 1). Due to the refractor like surface of the cards, the parallel colors seem to shimmer; it's a neat effect. We were able to pull 4 Totally Reds (including 1 duplicate), 2 Totally Blue, and 1 Totally Gold.
Memorabilia Cards
The most basic of the hit cards in this product. The Totally Memorabilia are comparable to the Totally parallels, with the exception of the memorabilia pieces embedded in the card. The memorabilia set also shares variations with the parallels: Totally Red (#/d 249), Totally Blue (#/d 99), Totally Gold (#/d 25), Totally Green (#/d 5), and Totally Black (#/d 1). We were able to pull Totally Red hits of Vince Carter and Thaddeus Young, and a Totally Blue hit of Brandon Jennings.
Fabric of the Game is Certified's staple memorabilia set throughout the entire brand in all sports. This iteration is redesigned to fit in with the rest of the new Totally Certified. Collectors should be happy to know that this year's Fabric of the Game set exclusively uses jumbo swatches, instead of jumbo swatches being harder to come by like in last year's product. Unlike last year, there are only 2 jersey cut designs, and they both have their own card designs. They are Jersey Number and Team Name. Our pull was a Manu Ginobili Jersey Number, limited to 99 copies. Diamonds line the middle of the card in the background, and a big cut out jersey number is located in a square to the left of the card. The card is decked out in the team colors and has the metallic finish like the rest of the set. There is a healthy mix of retired players, veterans, stars, and young players within the set's checklist.
Autograph Cards
We pulled a redemption card for Andrew Bogut, from the Totally Red Autograph set limited to 49 copies. It would be the same as the regular Totally Red parallel, with the exception of an autograph sticker applied to the card.
Our main hit of the box. What is not to like about this type of card? On the right side is the word "Rookie" cut into the card, which is filled with a generous amount of Jersey swatch. A body shot takes up the left side of the card. A big bonus is that all the rookie autographs are on card, making this rookie set a definite winner. We were able to pull one of the top rookies, DeMarcus Cousins, limited to 593 copies.
Final Thoughts
There is a lot to like about the redesigned Certified. Parallels are aplenty and will make for a nice rainbow chase for player collectors. On card Rookie Autograph cards with generous amounts of Jersey swatch are an upgrade over last year's rookie cards; as is the now jumbo swatch only Fabric of the Game set. Although we didn't pull one, the HRX Videocards are sure to be huge hits to pull. With the price of a box, it would be nice to have more packs per box, along with more base cards in order to complete a base set. Overall, another nice effort by Panini as the 10-11 Hobby Season nears to a close.
• On card rookie autographs
• HRX Videocards are an amazing concept
• Nice parallels, reminiscent of Precious Metal Gems
• Not a $20 per pack product, more packs per box would have been nice
• Base set not easy to complete
Value = 4
Innovation = 5
Fun and Experience = 5
Rebuy Value = 4
I give this product an A- for Panini!
NPN Information
Panini America Inc.
NPN 2010-11 Panini Totally Certified Basketball
5325 FA Blvd
Suite 100A
Irving, TX 75061-3601
Hand print your name and complete address on a 3x5 card and use a #10 envelope.
Canadian residents answer this question: 255 plus 252 divided by 274 times 137 minus 179 = ?
Postmarked by 9/7/11
Limit to 2 entries per household.
Only one card per envelope, mailed separately.
I would like to thank Panini & Card Collectors World for giving me the opportunity to review this product.
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