My son bought a Hoops blaster with his birthday $$ and got a Lin 2nd year Lin card.
He didnt even know who Lin I told him about Linsanity and that it was worth $8-10. He was shootin for other players he likes such as D. Rose, D. Howard, C. Anthony...which he got also, so he was happy with the box. He doesnt care about the Lin, so I told him I'd see if anyone would trade him for some Saints...his favorite football team.
Does anyone out there have any Saints cards, maybe a decent GU'd they'd trade my son?
He didnt even know who Lin I told him about Linsanity and that it was worth $8-10. He was shootin for other players he likes such as D. Rose, D. Howard, C. Anthony...which he got also, so he was happy with the box. He doesnt care about the Lin, so I told him I'd see if anyone would trade him for some Saints...his favorite football team.
Does anyone out there have any Saints cards, maybe a decent GU'd they'd trade my son?