Although the cards are very nice looking in person, the scans do not do any justice to these. My main complaint is the names of the players on the front of the card is black. Which makes it hard to see on a black background.
These inserts are AMAZING! See through. I took a pic on both sides. Showing one with a black background and the other with a white to show how they are see through.
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This is the base and gold parallel of the Ryan Tannehill. I had actually pulled 2 base cards so this will also show you the back of the card.
These are the rookies pulled including a gold version of Justin Herbert! Also shown is Joe Burrow, Ceedee Lamb, and Jordan Love.
And lastly here are the better base cards. Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, Julian Edelman, Odell Beckham Jr., Drew Brees, and Jimmy Garoppalo.
These inserts are AMAZING! See through. I took a pic on both sides. Showing one with a black background and the other with a white to show how they are see through.
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This is the base and gold parallel of the Ryan Tannehill. I had actually pulled 2 base cards so this will also show you the back of the card.
These are the rookies pulled including a gold version of Justin Herbert! Also shown is Joe Burrow, Ceedee Lamb, and Jordan Love.
And lastly here are the better base cards. Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, Julian Edelman, Odell Beckham Jr., Drew Brees, and Jimmy Garoppalo.