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  • key2win
    Sorry to here that Phil.

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  • danielalba
    Rodding and Wad in the same sntence now thats PRICELESS glad u CLEANED HER OUT NOW!

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  • Dacubs?
    Thought I'd start everyone's day off right

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  • moosehead
    Wow TMI.......!!!! Glad you got it fixed.

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  • jratliff70
    Lol Frank.

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  • FrankMcdee
    I just vomitted my cereal up./..

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  • Dacubs?
    finished it up...gotta air the basement out...I only got the 50 footer since the 100 footer was too heavy, hope I was able to rod the line enough...

    went 40 ft the first time and pulled the line out, had 4 wads thought the line that was fibrous, so I'm thinking baby wipes or tampons...

    went back in and went the full 50 ft, 3 more wads

    went back in 50 ft and this time was clean coming through, but I hope 50 ft was enough...also found a string in the wad so now I'm pretty sure they were tampons. The wife says shes been doing that for years, but I wonder why this is the first time I've rodded them back up...(have rodded 4 times in the past 10 years)

    anyway, I'm assuming they are not supposed to be flushed, but she says they say flushable on them

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  • Oilman
    LMAO...Get'er done

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  • ranbethscards
    Sorry to hear that...but I will say....the title of your post will get alot of attention!

    I say wake the family up....!!!!!!!!

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  • gladdyontherise
    yikes, thats a bigtime bummer

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  • Dacubs?
    started a topic awwww...crap....literally


    woke up this morning to find that poop and sewer water came up in the basement floor drain, luckily it was only a small amount...since its not raining, I can only assume my sewer line is clogged again (toilet paper, tree roots, whatever) I went to home depot this morning, rented a power rodder, now, I can't get the stupid cleanout cap off...been on that thing for 30 min...think I'm gonna have to break it and buy a new cap...but seeing as how the wife and kids are still sleeping, I'm gonna give em nother 1/2 hr before I make a LOT of noise....

    sheesh...happy tuesday