I recently had the opportunity to open and review a box of 2010-11 Panini Certified Hockey. I would like to start by thanking Panini for making this box available to CCW.
First of all, here is the press release for Certified Hockey, direct from Panini’s website
2010 Panini Certified Hockey Press Release
Now, on to the box itself. There are ten packs in each box, each pack contains five cards- except the packs with thicker (jersey) hits. These packs have 5 base cards plus the jersey. The base cards are extremely sharp looking, and are one of the nicest looking base sets I have seen in recent memory. Panini did an excellent job of making their first hockey release an attractive one.
Here are some of the more noteworthy base cards.
What we pulled: Panini promises one Mirror Red parallel, plus four other numbered or insert cards per box. We hit these stated odds, with the following inserts
Mirror Red Parallel #d /250 Zach Bogosian 153/250 and Stan Mikita Immortals 34/250
Certified Top Choice Alex Ovechkin 92/250, Ray Borque Certified Legends XXX/500, Philip Larsen Certified Potential 391/500
Certified Hockey also promises two autographs, one memorabilia, and the fourth hit is either another autograph or another memorabilia card. We pulled two memorabilia and two autographs. The memorabilia cards were pulled were:
Tomas Plekanec Fabric of the Game Jersey #d 134 /250
Jarome Iginla/Sidney Crosby Shirt off my Back Dual Jersey #d 33/250
We also pulled two rookie autographs, both serially numbered out of 1299. They were
Zach Hamill RC #d 986/1299 and Philip Larsen RC #d 186/1299
Final Thoughts: I have always been a big fan of Certified football, and the hockey product this year is even nicer than any of the past Certified football products. The base cards are well designed, the inserts look very nice, and the four hits I pulled are all very nice. I would have liked to have seen some lower numbering on the autographed rookies, but that is my only complaint with this product. I will be buying some of this product in the future.
My final ratings are:
Value 4.5/5
Card Quality 5/5
Fun Factor 5/5
Rebuy Potential 5/5
Overall, I give Certified Hockey a 19.5/20. Thank you again to Panini for allowing me to open this box and review it for CCW.
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