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CCW Daily 4/15-4/17/2011

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  • wheeler281
    Originally posted by jsab4807 View Post could I slam you when I'm not watching the game? I'd have to just take your word for it.

    Although..................Tigers = crap.
    you mean you are not his homersim meter.. WOW you pretty much shattered his statement.
    He was talking like you guys were twins..

    Like I figured one way. The ump was out to get the "beast"
    I mean what kind of statement is

    "and like I said, if jsab doesn't slam me about it, i usually have a legit point..because he slams me about almost everything i say, lol"

    some sort of justification for his whining

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  • Ground Support
    Man, they needed billups.. I think he blew his knee out...

    Hope thats not the case.

    And I hate Paul Peirce.. He had a key flop in the final minute..

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  • gladdyontherise
    Originally posted by jsab4807 View Post could I slam you when I'm not watching the game? I'd have to just take your word for it.

    Although..................Tigers = crap.
    I showed you the one pitch down the middle called a happened all night..

    Keep thinking that chief

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  • Ground Support
    I knew the Knicks would smack the Celtics...

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  • gladdyontherise
    Originally posted by jsab4807 View Post
    Colorado Rockies = scary
    Jhoulys Chacin = next big thing people don't know about

    Originally posted by wheeler281 View Post
    I a glad Oakland is grooming those young guns for other teams. Imagine being a fan of oakland. Gotta be like a Marlins fan...
    If they get some good hitters to come to Oakland, they'll easily be a world series contender for atleast a few years till they firesale..but Anderson, Cahill, Gonzalez, Braden, thats just scary good..They are impressive.

    I'm rooting for them, just not against my team

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  • jsab4807
    replied could I slam you when I'm not watching the game? I'd have to just take your word for it.

    Although..................Tigers = crap.

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  • gladdyontherise
    Originally posted by wheeler281 View Post
    gladdy you really could not figure that out.. Man bi winner is right

    "I'm not exaggerating when I tell you Verlander consistently was throwing it down the middle of the plate and the pitches were being called a ball, when thats happening, its 150% the umps fault"

    I said

    "guess the a's have enough bats to hit the down the middle pitches then. Oh wait let me guess it was one sided? "

    so the question is the umps were only calling balls on "the beast" and keeping him out of said beastmode and Dallas Braden was getting all the calls. You did not indicate.,
    Braden threw 67 pitches overall, and maybe 5 to 8 of them where in the middle of the plate, I don't think it was one sided, Braden plays on the corners and was getting the corners called, they were strikes though, no question about problem is Verlander was getting squeezed like no other, I had never seen a pitcher get squeezed so badly before, ever.

    Look, I just want the umpires to be consistent, both pitchers should get the same calls, if one guy gets the call, the other should as well, and if one guy doesn't get the call, the either pitcher shouldnt either..

    It wasnt one sided, it was incredibly inconsistent...

    and like I said, if jsab doesn't slam me about it, i usually have a legit point..because he slams me about almost everything i say, lol

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  • wheeler281
    I a glad Oakland is grooming those young guns for other teams. Imagine being a fan of oakland. Gotta be like a Marlins fan...

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  • jsab4807
    Colorado Rockies = scary

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  • gladdyontherise
    Spliting a road series is usually ok, but this split just doubt about it..but Chicago lost as well, so not all is lost..

    I said it before the season, and before the series, that Oakland pitching is scary good, and they proved it this weekend, those 5 starters they have are just impressive, suspect bullpen, but great starting pitching..

    oh well, off to Seattle, where the Tigers miss facing Hernandez and Pineda, so should be a sweep..a 5-2 road trip would be great in my book.

    It could be worse, could be a Twins fan, that team is in fullout panic mode already, crazy.

    and I I NEED to know, why Leyland insists on having Don Kelly bat 6th when he plays, it doesn't make any sense at all, same with having Ryan Raburn hitting high up in the order, it throws logic right out the window. Oh and Ryan Raburn is the worst Baseball player ever..I'd rather have Rick Porcello play left field and bat 5th over Raburn.

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  • wheeler281
    gladdy you really could not figure that out.. Man bi winner is right

    "I'm not exaggerating when I tell you Verlander consistently was throwing it down the middle of the plate and the pitches were being called a ball, when thats happening, its 150% the umps fault"

    I said

    "guess the a's have enough bats to hit the down the middle pitches then. Oh wait let me guess it was one sided? "

    so the question is the umps were only calling balls on "the beast" and keeping him out of said beastmode and Dallas Braden was getting all the calls. You did not indicate.,

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  • wheeler281
    Originally posted by jsab4807 View Post
    And the Tribe won again to take over the best record in the AL (somehow)! Good sports day for me!
    how awesome is that. Great for the city. Hope they keep it up

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  • gladdyontherise
    Originally posted by wheeler281 View Post
    guess the a's have enough bats to hit the down the middle pitches then. Oh wait let me guess it was one sided?
    huh? that made no sense what you just said..

    Originally posted by jsab4807 View Post
    And the Tribe won again to take over the best record in the AL (somehow)! Good sports day for me!
    ....and now we get the first place battle matchup we've all been wanting to see! KC vs Cleveland!

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  • wheeler281
    sweet Mine too!

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  • jsab4807
    Originally posted by wheeler281 View Post
    not sure how you feel about Hamlin. I myself can not stand him. I love the fact he is having issues.
    Hamlin's my least favorite driver in all of NASCAR. Dude is a complete toolbag. I LOVE seeing him struggle.

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